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AAton Cantar-X1 Mode D'emploi page 35


A la synchro ça tourne encore 2:3
Vidéo avec liberté AatonCode
Plus d'émetteur ni de câble vers la caméra. Les fichiers
indexés sur des horloges de grande stabilité, sont synchroni-
sés sur la station de montage.
Pour synchroniser Cantar et caméras, le plus simple est d'uti-
liser un mini générateur de temps trés stable Aaton GMT
Initialisez le GMT sur Cantar par la prise Lemo5, puis vel-
croysez-le sur la caméra vidéo, et connectez-le à l'une des
entrées ligne dirigée sur l'une des pistes son. Si possible
n'utilisez pas une entrée micro et certainement pas une en-
trée commandée par le gain automatique d'une autre en-
Pendant la digitalisation de la cassette vidéo, l'Avid cor-
doit être en version 5.6.2 minimum). lLa fonction "autosync"
de l'Avid accroche ensuite les images vidéo audio-indexées
aux sons du Cantar. Cette méthode est la même que celle
utilisée pour synchroniser les films AatonCode après télé-
cinéma. Comparée à la transmission radio du Vidéo-TC
de la caméra, et sur lequel on doit détecter les breaks, la
méthode décrite ici a le grand avantage de fonctionner en
multi-caméra et d'être beaucoup plus fiable!
Le 'DayStamp' comme 'Reel ID'
How to auto-conform the Cantar original audio files if the
Avid editor only works from the videotapes carrying the mix-
down sent to the video camera? There is neither a FileTag
to ensure a link between the original tracks and the EDL ref-
erence nor a usable date in the user-bits; so every day the
same undistinguishable video-TC shows in the audio files.
The only way to conform the original files to the EDL is either
to insert the video TapeID in the audio files (the old method
which no longer works, see 'Request to be refused' below),
or to use the day (like on AtonCoded shootings) by another
means than the userbits: that is the DayStamp.
Give special attention to the difference between the Cantar
'AudioTapeName' which stores the DayStamp into each
and every audio file, and the video cassette 'TapeID' label
which is not recorded on the video tape but keyed by the
assistant-editor during the picture import.
rèle le Vidéo-TC rec.run
continu de la caméra
avec l'Audio-TC free.run
discontinu de la piste son
du GMT. (AvidXpressPro
+33 4 7642 9550
Here is how it works :
• Using the 'work day' rule which organizes the audio
folders, Cantar stores the 'Month-Day' DayStamp into the
AudioTapeName iXML metadata.
overwrite the 'Month-Day' by the 'Day Rank', e.g. day one
D001, day sixty two D062 (voir p.32).
• The video camera operator writes the «'Month-Day' +
CameraID + Cassette letter» on the videotape box for the
digitizing assistant-editor to key this label in the six character
'TapeID' column of the Avid NLE.
April 18, camera-A, third cassette = 0418A3
April 18, camera-B, first cassette = 0418B1
(one figure or one letter to identify the cassette number makes
for 35 cassettes per day per camera... a long day!)
• To auto-conform the original Cantar files, Titan-3 first
sorts them by comparing the leading four characters
(0418 or D062) of the Avid Edl 'TapeID' column with the
'AudioTapeName' found in the audio file iXML metadata,
then it uses the timecode in- and out-points to finish the job.
Note that the timecode can be audio free.run or video rec.
run, provided Cantar and cameras share the same one.
An offer to be refused The confusion between the 'Audio
TapeName' and the 'VideoTapeID' induces post-prod super-
visors to ask sound recordists to key-in the camera/cassette
IDs in their recording. This is no-good for three reasons:
1- quite often the sound recordist is too late warned of the
cassette change over; 2- in a multi camera shoot, there is
no provision to enter double or triple camera/cassette IDs
into the BWF metadata; 3- how on a film stage could you
ask somebody to key-in the video cassette ID of a transfer
to be done the day after! Let the assistant-editor enter the
video 'TapeID' label in due time.
If for some reason you have to modify the default MMDD
Day Stamp, either do it on Cantar or hilite the concerned
files in Majax and modify the 'AudioTapeName' field. This
inside-the-file renaming insures that whatever happens to
your files, e.g. mono to poly converted, new mixdown,
gathered in a different folder, burned on a DVD, sent
through the internet, etc., they forever carry the correct
Manuel Cantar-X v2.25 2009 janvier 06
Alternately you can



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