information. You can automate these changes using an external sequencer.
How can I select the different Basic Programmes?
When you turn on the Vocoder the automatic Carrier (Easy-Mode) is not activated if you have
already selected a Carrier. So when you change through the basic Programmes the selected
Analyseand Carrier-signals will remain routed to the Vocoder. When the percussion-track is
vocoding a string sound from the Synth 1-part you can immediately check out how this will sound
with different Vocoder-settings.
Try this with the factory song No. 2 "Voc Grov" playing. You will notice that in different basic
programmes different frequencies of the Grooves are stressed and single instruments are emphasised
or de-emphasised accordingly. Change between different basic settings of the Vocoder as follows:
First hold down the Vocoder-key on the MIXER-panel. The display shows:
Tip: The
changes are
sent and
While you still hold down the Vocoder-key you can switch between Vocoder-programs 1-16 using
using MIDI
the Number-keys.
The following overview shows you all basic programmes of the 11 Bandwidth-Vocoder and gives you
tips concerning these basic settings. Although we have said that some programmes are more suited to
vocals and others more to artificial sounds, these tips should not be considered as hard and fast rules.
The results depend a lot on what sound characteristics the audio-source has. So experimenting with
the different basic programmes and audio-sources is the order of the day! This is what makes the
Vocoder such an exciting tool: nothing says that you can not try the programme "InverseV" when
your voice is being used to modulate a Synth bass.
The Basic Programs:
Select Prg.1..16
The Vocoder