The Cubase is receiving and sending MIDI data when you can see the MIDI activity indicator in the
transport window is active (Atari) or lit (PC and Mac).
If everything works you can start your recording. First create a Part which corresponds in length to the
pattern you want to record. For the MIDI-channel of this Part select the setting "All", "Any" or "OM"
(depending on your sequencer programme). When your settings look like the following in Cubase, then
you have done the right thing.
Now click on the record-button in the transport window of Cubase. Of course Cubase won´t start yet - it is
waiting for the start command from the Sirius. So now press the PLAY-key of the Sirius.
Cubase will now record. To end the recording press the STOP-key of the Sirius.
Should the recorded part go beyond the right locator (is longer than the desired pattern or song length), just
cut it off with the scissors from the toolbox at the desired point.
The rubber deletes Parts
The Cubase toolbox. You open it
with a click on the right-handThe
The X mutes the Parts
When Cubase is set as in the above illustration, you can start recording.
scissors allow you to cut the Part mouse button.
The glue-tube allows you to paste the Parts