6.) Basic Vocoder-programmes (Presets):
What are Vocoder-presets? As all the settings of the Vocoder (volume, panorama position of the
single Bands, Bypass-level, Parts of the Low-and Highpass-filter and the basic programme selection)
are stored in a song, this question is important. In one of the 16 basic Vocoder-programmes
(Presets) you can change the frequency, tonal quality and decay-time for each Band. These
Parameters have to be set for Analyse and Carrier -signals separately. This can offer even more
possibilities for experiments. Programming these functions is very complex and requires a certain
amount of experience when dealing with a Vocoder, namely a full understanding of System-
Exclusive-data. A list of the system exclusive data formats of the Sirius can be found in the Annex of
this Manual.
Caution: When you programme the Vocoder you will always change the Vocoder Preset
(programme) you have currently selected. You should therefore make sure that you do not
delete or change anything you still need by mistake. The Vocoder Presets are, even after editing,
not totally lost - they can be re-called by initialising.
7.) Storage places for Percussion-Sets:
You may store your own Percussion sets in one of the 20 Percussion Set Storage places. Like with the
Vocoder-Presets you will overwrite one of the factory stored sounds. In a Percussion-set you store the
sound, the Tuning, the volume, the panorama, the FX-send-settings as well as the allocation of the
keyboard keys to each Percussion-instrument. A Percussion set consists of 12 Sounds which can be
freely spread over one octave. The saving of a Percussion-Set is performed automatically by the
SIRIUS as soon as you quit the selected edit level.
Caution: During the programming you will always change the currently selected Percussion-set.
You should therefore make sure that you don´t delete or change anything you still need by
mistake. The factory Percussion-sets are, however, not totally lost - they can be re-called by
Saving and Storing