The Sirius and MIDI
This diagram shows you how to configure the audio connections of the Sirius. The two audio outputs (OUT-LEFT/RIGHT) are connected with two
parallel input channels on a mixing desk To maintain the stereo integrity of the sounds of the Sirius, the pan controls of the mixing desk channels
which you have used should be set to opposite positions, i.e. one hard-left and one hard-right. If your mixing desk has dedicated stereo channels,
no additional setting is required for the panorama.
In order to be able to work with the Beat-Recognition-Sytsem the signal of the CD-player needs to get to the CARRIER-input of the Sirius. The
simplest solution is to use the headphone output of the CD-player. In this way the Sirius can receive the trigger signal even when the CD-player is
muted on the mixing desk. Better mixing desks allow you to send the trigger signal of the CDplayer via the AUX-Sends or EFFECT-sends to the
Sirius. Such a connection is also required when the CD-player does not have a headphone output or you want to use for instance a record player
(with pre-amp) as the Trigger source.
Connecting the Sirius to external Midi-devices:
Now to the MIDI-connections:
Example 1: SIRIUS + Synthesizer (Keyboard)