The stove works better if all its parts are without combustion residuals, a clean
stove will be less exposed to problems due to wear. Cleaning frequency depends
on how much and how the stove is used, as well as on combustible quality.
WARNING! All these operations must be done with cold stove.
Every time you use the stove you have to clean the wood carrying grill before,
at least you have to clean the more rough deposits: the holes of the grill should
not be obstructed. To make this you can use the poker given together with the
stove. If the grill is not well cleaned, the flame could not be well feed and so you
could experience an irregular combustion. If the grill is being removed, it must be
placed in its housing with the flat part turned upwards.
Every time you use the stove you have to check the ash box located under the
combustion chamber. When the box is full, you have to empty it. If you do not
empty it, the ash accumulates itself and makes the cleaning more difficult.
In case of excessive cinders the flame could not be well fed and you could experi-
ence an irregular combustion.
The cleaning of the chimney must be done by experienced technicians at least
every six months of normal use of the stove. Anyway, cleaning must be done every
time it becomes necessary according to the use or to the combustible used. We
recommend to follow strictly all the local laws dealing about chimney cleaning.
All the parts of the chimney must be cleaned. Together with the cleaning of the
chimney, make also the internal cleaning of the stove.
WARNING! If the chimney cleaning is not made as recommended, fire
in the flue could happen.