Swiss Made Declaration
Proceq Part Numbers:
We confirm that the products named above were developed and manufactured in Switzerland
and fulfill the requirements needed for the declaration "Made in Switzerland" or "Swiss Made".
The requirements for industrial products are specified in detail in the National Swiss Trademark
Protection Statute (Art. 47-50, MSchG) covering goods and services.
Schwerzenbach, 20.05.2019
Patrick Waller
Chief Operating Officer
This document (incl. Quick Start Guide and Product Certificates) constitutes an integral part
of Proceq's General Terms and Conditions of Sale and General Terms and Conditions of
Rental, together with any other guideline, precautions, policies and conditions which Proceq
has made and may make available to you at, as amended
from time to time (the Documents). Proceq reserves the right to change without notice any
information, specifications and recommendations contained in this document and in any of
the associated Documents.
You shall observe and be solely responsible for the safe and lawful use of and your own
conduct while using this product, and any consequences thereof. The use and operation
of this product is at your own discretion and risk. Proceq hereby disclaims any and all loss,
liability or damages resulting from or out of your use of the product. Please ensure you
operate and use this product only for purposes that are proper and in accordance with the
instructions given herein together with all safety and health precautions, applicable laws,
rules, regulations, and as provided for in any of the Documents.
Proceq UT8000
793 10 500
Proceq SA
Ringstrasse 2, 8603 Schwerzenbach,