NOTE: To ensure precise navigation, the machine intentionally crosses over
the boundary wire (19) by a small margin of around 10 to 20 cm. This behaviour
should be taken into consideration when planning the layout of the mowing area
(Fig. 1).
Consider the size and shape of the lawn, ensuring that garden ponds, trees, flowerbeds, garden furniture
or other obstacles are excluded from the mowing area (Fig. 2).
30 cm
5059340856001_MNL_EN_V07.indd 15
5059340856001_MNL_EN_V07.indd 15
10-20 cm
Fig. 1
> 10 cm
5 cm
30 cm
Fig. 2
30 cm
< 10 cm
. 8 m
30 cm
2 m
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08/01/2024 12:40:03 pm