2. Mcro-moior
'for zooming
1. ServO'motor
FiJm plane
5. MicrO'fnoior
for film arive
Congratufatians on your choice of a fine equipment.
Your Yashica SUPER-SfX) Electro, unsurpassed in
quality and performance/will certainly give you years
of faithful service and lasting pleasure in home movie-
It features an ultra-sharp YASHINOM-DX
f/1.6 8 to 1 Zoom lens with push-button and manual
ZOOM control, enabling preview of the dynamic
effect through the viewfinder.
For the first time a Servo Motor has bean incorporat¬
ed in a movie camera which sets instantly and auto¬
matically the correct aperture according to the pre¬
vailing light and color intensity. This unique electro¬
nic system is absolutely shock-proof and it eliminates
all exposure worries.
CONTROL SYSTEM has been developed by Yashica,