For more information on the com-
plete LGB program, see the LGB
This model is equipped with stan-
dard LGB couplers on the front
and rear. An optional LGB knuck-
le coupler is also included.
Optional Brake Cylinders
To allow proper operation of this
model, the rear brake cylinders
were not installed on the front
truck. However, the brake cylin-
ders have been enclosed with the
If you use this model for display
only, you can install the brake
cylinders. First, remove the side
frames from the truck by remo-
ving two screws. Slide the cylin-
ders into position. Reattach the
side frames.
Attention! If you operate this
model, the brake cylinders must
be removed. With the cylinders
installed, the movement of the
truck will be obstructed by the
side ladders.
Operating Modes
This model has a three-way
power control switch on the rear
wall (Fig. 1, 2):
Position 0: All power off
Position 1: Power to lights
Position 2: Power to lights and
motors (factory pre-
Multi-Train System
This model has two „D" gearbo-
xes and decoder interfaces. It can
be equipped with two LGB Multi-
Train System Decoders (55020)
using one Decoder Interface
Cable (55026).
For more information, contact
your authorized LGB retailer or an
LGB service station (see Factory
Service). We recommend factory
installation of decoders (see Fac-
tory Service).
Hint: If you install decoders your-
self, reset the DIP-switches on
the circuit board. For Multi-Train
System operation, all of the DIP-
switches should be set to OFF.
This model has a built-in speaker
for use with the sound-equipped
LGB „B-units" (e.g., 20582 and
21582). The electronic connection
to the „B-unit" is made using the
four-pin socket on the rear wall
(Fig. 1).
When used with the Multi-Train
System, the Train Mouse loco fun-
ction button will control additional
functions, depending on the num-
ber of times the button is pushed:
Press 1x: Horn. Starting signal (2
Crossing signal (2 long,
1 short, 1 long), if the
model is moving.
Press 2x: Bell
Press 3x: Diesel motor sound
Press 4x: All sounds on/off
Press 5x: „High Ball, John" anno-
Press 6x: Brake application sound
Press 7x: Cab alarm bell sound
Press 8x: Brake pressure release
For more information, see the „B-
unit" instructions.
This model has automatic direc-
tional lanterns on the front of the
loco. The cab is also illuminated.
A volt voltage stabilization circuit
provides constant power to the
lights, even when the loco is
moving slowly.
This model has two „flat" multi-
purpose sockets, with a remova-
ble covers, on the front and rear
of the loco (Fig. 3, 4). These
sockets can be used to provide
track power to cars with lighting
and sound electronics. To remove
the cover of the socket, pull it
straight out. If the cover is tight,
gently use a small tool, like a
small straight screwdriver, to pry it
out. (Do not pull out the rectangu-
lar outer housing.)
If your cars have the older,
„round" lighting connectors, use
the Light Socket Adapter (68334).
Multiple-Unit Operation
The multi-purpose sockets can
also be used to electrically
connect additional LGB „F7"
models to this model. This track
power connection helps improve
operation on dirty track. A two-
wire connecting cable is included
with this model.
Attention! Because of its digital