11.3 USE
11.3.1 Managing time slots
Change the start time by pressing the button,
indicating the time, under the word "Start".
Use the buttons
time of the slot.
Press "Close" to confirm.
Proceed in the same way to change the end time
of the slot.
Once the start and end times have been defined,
proceed by setting the intended temperature for
that slot, similar to the previous steps.
to choose the start
Fig. 11.4
Fig. 11.5
The settable temperatures are: OFF (stove off)
and from 10°C to 30°C.
11.3.2 Setting up a new slot
A new time slot is created similarly to the
modification of an existing one, by pressing the
"Create new time slot" button.
Make sure you previously check the end time of
the slot to complete the step correctly.
Fig. 11.6
Fig. 11.7