Carburetor Modification for High Altitude Operation
At high altitudes, the standard carburetor air-fuel mixture will be too rich.
Fuel consumption will increase and performance will decrease. A very
rich mixture will also foul the spark plug and cause hard starting.
If using the generator at high altitudes, change the main-nozzle or adjust
the idling-screw of the carburetor. If always operating the generator at
altitudes above 3280 feet (1000 meters), contact an authorized service
center to have the carburetor modified.
Conversely, if the carburetor has been modified for high altitude
operation, the air-fuel mixture will be too lean for low altitude use.
Operation at low altitude my cause the engine to overheat and result in
serious engine damage. In this case the carburetor needs to be returned
to its original specifications.
Generator output power should be modified according to the altitude
and ambient temperature. See more details on the correction factors in
Chapter 12 - Appendix.