2. Adjust the servo arms mechanically make sure all servo arms are fully vertical. If not, adjust the
servo arm by using the trim function on your radio.
Note: For computerized transmitters, use the servo/channel sub-trim feature to make each
servo arm fully vertical. Make sure the trims and the sub trims in neutral position before making
some mechanically trim.
3. The standard hole setting sfor linkage connections are shown
by the black arrows in the diagram below. You can refer the recom-
mended control threw setting to move the linkage to different hole
positions to increase control surface travel and increase the ae-
robatics of the airplane. For the computerized transmitter, please
refers to the Low and High rate setting for more accurate control
throw setting.
4. Align the control surfaces well by adjusting the lin-
kage rod in the control connector. The ailerons align
with the wing root fillet, the counterbalance leading
edge of the elevator with the horizontal stabilizer
leading edge and the counterbalance leading edge of
the rudder with the vertical stabilizer leading edge.
Note: Use a drop of thread lock on the grub
screws before securing the linkage rod.
The motor should rotate counterclockwise when vie-
wing the plane from the front.