Function o Displays:
- Shows how long you have been running in minutes and
seconds in the normal model or remaining time in the countdown
- Shows how ar you have run in kilometers in the normal
model and remaining distance in the countdown model
- Displays the speed o the treadmill in kilometers per
hour, or the heart rate, when your hands touch the pulse sensors.
- Displays the Kilocalories consumed in kcal.
Function o keys:
[start] - Key
Press Start-key to start exercise program (motor starts running).
This key is also located on the pulse handles.
[stop] - Key
Press [stop]-key during exercise to interrupt the program (motor
stops running). Within 5 min. you can press [start]-Key to continue
this exercise program or press [stop] - key again to nish this pro-
gram. Pre-values can set to zero by pressing the [stop] - key. This
key is also located on the pulse handles.
- Key: (Function)
Select key o time-program H-1, distance program H-2 or calories
program H-3.
- Key: (Program)
Press this key to select exercising speed programs Manual/ P1-
P14 / U1-U3 / HR1- HR3 / FAT
- Key:
Press speed up key increase settings or motor speed. This key is
also located on the pulse handles.
- Key:
Press speed down key decrease settings or motor speed. This key
is also located on the pulse handles.
Quick Speed- keys 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12km/h:
Press one o these keys and the speed changes direct into 2, 4, 6,
8, 10 and 12 km/h.
User manual of Computer
How to start manual mode:
Put in the AC plug in wall power 230V~50Hz and put on the power
switch. Put saety clip onto the computer and it will show normal
manual mode. Stand your eet on both side rails. Put the saety
key at you exercise cloth and press start-key to start with exer-
cising. Ater a 3 sec. count down, the motor begin to run slowly
and you can step on the running belt and ollow the speed. Adjust
the speed with
ety clip rom computer at any time, the motor stop slowly and the
display will show „---". Ater put on the saety key on computer the
normal manually program will show. Press
value o speed. Press quick speed - key to adjust speed quickly.
All values o the displays will counter up.
Time Program (H1):
On the normal manual mode, press
gram H-1. The time display will fash and the initial value is 15:00.
the display counts up till zero and then stops running motor.
Distance-Program (H2):
On the normal manual mode, press
program H-2. The distance display will fash and the initial value
is 1,00KM. Press
99:90KM. I set a value the display counts up till zero and then
stops running motor.
KCalories-Program (H3):
On the normal manual mode, press
gram H-3. The calories display will fash and the initial value is 50,0
kcal. Press
I set a value the display counts up till zero and then stops running
I you have not set anything, the value is automatically increased
to the maximum and restarted. In the manual program, the tread-
mill turns o automatically ater 99:59 minutes.
keys into desired speed. I put o the sa-
key to set value. The range is: 5:00-99:00. I set a value
key to set value. The range is: 0,50-
key to set value. The range is: 10- 999kcal.
key to adjust
key, to enter time pro-
key, to enter distance
key, to enter calories pro-