PreParIng the coatIng materIal / settIng the sPray gun
coAtIng MAterIAlS thAt cAn only Be
ProceSSed WIth relevAnt SPrAy
AttAchMent (AcceSSorIeS)
Interior wall paint (dispersions and latex paint)
PrePArIng the coAtIng MAterIAl
Observe the manufacturer's instructions for the
use of the coating material on the paint tin or on
the technical instruction sheet (particularly infor-
mation about the flash point in flammable materi-
als and the maximum permitted temperature)!
If necessary, you can use the FinishControl 6500
TS to mix the paint. Do this by putting the closed
TempSpray attachment on the heating station
and press the „Clean" button.
coating material purity:
An absolute pre-condition for the trouble-free operation of
the fine-spray system is that the coating material is uncon-
taminated. If you have doubts as to the purity of the coating
material, we recommend that you first filter it through a fine
Processing the coating material with the tempSpray spray
attachment (red)
coating Material
Solvent-based lac-
observe manufac-
quer paints
turer's instructions
Water-soluble lac-
observe manufac-
quer paints
turer's instructions
Mordants, glazes, im-
pregnations, oils
Clear varnishes, syn-
observe manufac-
thetic enamels, col-
turer's instructions
oured paints, alkyd
resin varnishes
Primers, radiator
observe manufac-
paints, hammer ef-
turer's instructions
fect enamels
Anti-rust paints, spe-
observe manufac-
cial-effect paints
turer's instructions
Multicolor paints,
observe manufac-
textured paints
turer's instructions
The alignment of the spray jet can be determined by turning
the black adjusting ring (Fig. 4, 1).
It is also possible to switch between a wide ( ) and a compact
The material volume can be adjusted incrementally from 1
(minimum) to 12 (maximum) by turning the material volume
control (Fig. 6, 1).
Turn the air volume control (Fig. 7, 1) clockwise to increase the
air volume or anti-clockwise to reduce the air volume (note
arrow on body of gun).
FineSpray spray
(brown) recom-
If the feed tube is positioned correctly, the container
contents can be sprayed without almost any residue.
When working on lying objects:
Turn the feed tube forwards. (Fig. 8 A)
Spraying work when working on overhead objects:
Turn the feed tube rearwards. (Fig. 8 B)
Before connecting to the mains supply make sure that the
mains voltage corresponds to the operating voltage on the
rating plate. The unit must be connected with a properly
WallSpray spray
earthed shockproof socket.
(white) recom-
1. Squeeze the side clips together and insert the air hose onto
FinishControl 6500 TS
SettIng the SPrAy gun
SettIng the requIred SPrAy PAttern
never pull trigger while adjusting the air
cap settings.
horizontal flat jet
vertical flat jet
) spray jet with the adjusting lever (Fig. 5, 1).
SettIng the AMount of MAterIAl (fIg. 6)
SettIng the AMount of AIr (fIg. 7)
The correct setting of air and material volume is
crucial for atomisation and paint mist formation.
AlIgn the feed tuBe
StArtIng oPerAtIon
the basic unit. (Fig. 9)
for vertical surfaces
for horizontal surfaces