„Pulse only" – wave simulation
„Pulse only" – example
Output 1, set "Power 1" to 30 per cent and "Power 2" to 100 per cent.
Output 2, set "Power 1" to 30 per cent and "Power 2" to 60 per cent.
Output 3, set "Power 1" to 40 per cent and "Power 2" to 80 per cent.
Output 4, set "Power 1" to 100 per cent and "Power 2" to 30 per cent.
Set "Pulse flow" pulse frequency to 1.5 seconds.
Connect one pump each to each port of the channels.
The pump on output 1 varies its output between 30 per cent and 100 per cent.
The pump on output 2 varies its output between 30 per cent and 60 per cent.
The pump on output 3 varies its output between 40 per cent and 80 per cent.
The pump on output 4 varies its output between 100 per cent and 30 per cent.
The pulse frequency has been defined at 1.5 seconds.
When activated, the "Night mode" function interrupts the pulse operation as soon as the aquarium lighting
goes off; all pumps remain in "Power 1" setting. In the morning, when the light is switched on again, the
selected pulse operation of the pumps will start again.
Other possibilities:
"pulse flow" - This function can also be very useful as Wavecontroller for Nanobox / Wavebox or Turbelle®
stream pumps. "Power 1" (set to 0 per cent or 100 per cent) and "Power 2" (set to 100 per cent or 0 per cent)
can be used to control the four channels directly or alternately; the resonance frequency should be set to
"Pulse flow" in this case. If "Power 1" is set to 100 per cent for one of the four channels, the "Night mode"
function should not be activated !
"ramp" - Setting of a time-delayed start by speed delay. Produces a low-noise gentle start of the pump.
"random flow" - Upon activation, a random alternating pulse frequency is used in a range of 0.5 to 3 seconds.