6.7.3 Chan ging the re turn fil ter ele ment
• Loosen the fil ter cover (1) with a screw driver (SW 27) and un -
screw. Per mit the oil in the fil ter hous ing to run through the fil -
ter el e ment (3) and into the tank.
• Lift the fil ter el e ment with a screw driver and with draw it to -
gether with the fil ter head from the head sec tion.
• Re move the fil ter el e ment by turn ing and pull ing it at the same
time from the fil ter head and dis pose it in an en vi ron ment
friendly man ner.
• Drain the re main ing oil from the fil ter head into an old oil con -
tainer and dis pose it in an en vi ron ment friendly man ner.
• Clean the fil ter head with wash ing petrol or die sel oil.
• Check the sur face seal (2) and O-ring and if nec es sary
change them.
• In sert a new fil ter el e ment in the fil ter head.
• In stall the fil ter head with fil ter el e ment into the head part; tak -
ing care with the O-ring.
• Screw on the fil ter cover and pull tighten with hand, check for
a trou ble-free lo ca tion of the sur face seal.
• Take a test-run if the fil ter is tight.
6.7.4 Hyd rau lic oil chan ge
Care is to be taken with the drain ing of hot oil :
dan ger of scald ing !
Wear pro tec tion spec ta cles - dan ger of eye in jury!
• Open the oil fill screw (2) and the oil drain screw, drain off the
oil and dis pose it in an en vi ron ment friendly man ner.
• Re move the cover (3).
• Re lease the in put fil ter (4) in the tank and un screw.
• Wash out the in take fil ter in cold cleaner or wash ing petrol and
blow out with com pressed air.
• Thor oughly clean the hy drau lic tank.
• In sert the in take fil ter.
• Care fully re move the seal re mains from the seal sur faces.
• Fit new seal ing com pound.
• Fit the hy drau lic tank cover
• Screw-in the oil drain screw, if nec es sary use a new seal.
• Re place the air fil ter (1) tak ing care with the O-ring.
• Fill-in new oil
For oil quan tity and type see the lu bri ca tion plan.
• Screw in the oil fill screw and pull tighten (if nec es sary use a
new seal).
• Take a test run, check the oil level and if nec es sary top up.
6. Main ten an ce