Elec Tronic Dead Man's Con Trol (Op Tion) - Ammann APH 5020 Traduction Du Mode D'emploi Original

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3. Ope ra ti on

3.7 Elec tronic dead man's con trol (op tion)

In this sec tion only the op er at ing and safety in struc tions are
de scribed which di verge from the Stan dard – Op er at ing in -
struc tions. Oth er wise the stan dard op er at ing in struc tions
ob vi ously ap ply.
Ma chines with an emer gency off switch can be sup plied as an
op tion with an elec tronic dead man's con trol. The drive is con -
trolled over an elec tronic com po nent and in te grated touch sen -
sors in the han dles (sensoGRIP)(1).
It is for bid den to make any changes to the sys tem.
De lib er ate or un in ten tional changes im ple mented
on the han dle, the elec tron ics or the feeder ca bles
can lead to a sys tem break-down and with that en -
dan ger life and health.
Prior to ev ery start-up the sys tem must be ex am -
ined for dam aged ca bles and/or parts. Dam aged
parts must be ex changed im me di ately. The ma -
chine may not be taken into op er a tion with any
dam aged parts.
Ex am ine the gear switch for cor rect func tion al ity
af ter start ing up the ma chine by check ing the
shut-down func tion by re leas ing the han dle.
If, dur ing the func tion al ity test or ma chines op er a -
tions the ma chine does not shut-down cor rectly
then a con tin u a tion of op er a tion may un der no cir -
cum stances be sus tained and a visit to the
Ammann spe cial ist work shop must take place im -
me di ately.
De spite the in stal la tion of a dead man's con trol
unit a re main ing dan ger still ex ists for the op er a tor
and other per sons when work ing with the ma -
chine. For this rea son al ways op er ate the ma chine
with cau tion and con scious ness of this remaining
3.7.1 Ope ra ti on
• Star ting the mo tor (Sec ti on 3.5.2).
• Pull emer gency off switch (2).
• Hold the han dle (1) tightly; the ma chine will drive off in the set
di rec tion of drive.


Table des Matières

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Aph 5030Aph 6020Aph 6530Aph 100-20

Table des Matières