4. ACEe con sys tem
4.1 Gen eral
4.1.1 De scrip tion
With the ACEecon sys tem
sive com pres sion checks. For this, the soil ri gid ity is de ter mined.
An in te grated sen sor mea sures the re ac tion of the ground to the
vi brat ing base plate. An LED dis play within the op er a tor's range
of vi sion con tin u ally shows the mea sure ment value.
This in spec tion ca pa bil ity pro vides the user with sev eral ad van -
tages, for ex am ple
• Al ways check whether com pres sion prog ress is be ing
made and whether the fi nal den sity has been reached.
• Flawed ar eas in the com pres sion can be found and
• Over-com pres sion, and ma te rial loos en ing and de struc tion
can be pre vented.
• Su per flu ous passes or vi brat ing on sur faces al ready com -
pacted are avoided. That means more ef fi cient, spar ing
use of the ma chine.
4.1.2 Func tion
The ACEecon sys tem con sists of a con trol/dis play panel, and an
ac cel er a tion sen sor on the base plate.
The in te grated sen sor con verts ac cel er a tion of the base plate to
volt age sig nals. These are trans mit ted to the con trols. There the
com pres sion pa ram e ters are cal cu lated and shown vi su ally on
the con trol/dis play panel.
4.1.3 Op er a tion
The ACEecon sys tem is es pe cially suit able for loose ground with
lit tle fine ma te rial.
The de gree and qual ity of com pres sion de pend on the ex ist ing
soil con di tions. If, de spite an ad e quate num ber of passes, the
max i mum de gree of com pres sion is not shown, check the soil for
its suit abil ity for com pres sion and, if nec es sary take mea sures to
im prove com pres sion. Due to vary ing soil ri gid ity, the max i mum
value can not be achieved in ev ery case.
it is pos si ble to per form com pre hen -
4.2 Op er a tion
The var i ous op er at ing sta tuses are shown on the con trol panel
as fol lows:
• The sys tem starts au to mat i cally when the ma chine is started.
Next, the sys tem initializes:
• The sta tus LED (8) blinks; the LEDs (0-7) light up in a row
from 0 to 7 and then go back off.
• Af ter suc cess ful ini tial iza tion, the sta tus LED (8) glows. The
sys tem is now ready to op er ate.
• The rel a tive com pres sion value is shown by the LEDs as fol -
lows. The num ber of glow ing LEDs sym bol i cally rep re sents
the in creas ing soil com pres sion.
0 – 19 %
20 – 40 %
41 – 60 %
61 – 80 %
81 – 100 %
101 – 120 %
121 – 140 %
141 – 150 %
De gree of com pres sion
Cor rect mea sure ment val ues can only be achieved by
driv ing for ward and back wards at max i mum speed.
• If the sta tus LED glows, and the 0 LED blinks, the vi bra tion fre -
quency is to high or too low. No mea sure ment value can be
cal cu lated.
• If the 0 LED glows, and the sta tus LED gives off a blink sig nal,
the mea sur ing sys tem is mal func tion ing. In this case, con tact
Ammann ser vice.
Op tio nal equip ment