9.2. Replacing a lost or broken somfy io control point
Refer to the corresponding guide.
9.3. Replacing a component of the actuator
If necessary it is possible to physically replace the J4 io motor, the J4 io plate, or both.
In all circumstances, in order to have an operational installation, the following procedure must be carried
• Connect the plate with the motor, then reconnect the mains power supply
• Carry out the procedure from the section «9.4 Return to factory configuration».
• Carry out the procedure in section «6 Commissioning».
9.4. Restoring the original configuration
This reset deletes all control points, all the sensors and all the end limit settings, and resets the
actuator's direction of rotation and favourite position «my».
The current position during the reset then becomes the new lower end limit position.
The upper end limit is cleared.
The favourite position of the actuator is reset to 600 ms from the lower end limit position.
The direction of rotation of the actuator is that specified in section 6.
The value of the angular travel is reset to the default value (180° rotation of the motor shaft).
Only switch off the power for the actuator to be reset.
Do not place the blind, in the Upper end limit !
• Place the blind in the intermediate position (if possible).
• Cut the power supply for 2 seconds.
• Switch the power supply back on for 5 to 15 seconds.
• Cut the power supply for 2 seconds.
• Switch the power supply back on: the blind starts to move for
a few seconds.
If the blind is at the upper or lower end limit, it will move briefly.
• Hold down the PROG button for 7 seconds: the blind will
move once then again a few moments later. The actuator is in
factory configuration.
Repeat the procedures from the «Commissioning» section
© 2013 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved. 06/2013
2 sec.
5 sec.
15 sec.
2 sec.