After checking again that the fastening bracket is securely
Fitting the unit
fastened to the wall, and that any necessary preparations
for electric connection and condensate drainage have
on bracket
been made, you can fasten the air conditioner to its
supporting bracket. Lift it up holding the sides of the bottom
(see fig. 13).
To facilitate the operation of fastening it to the bracket, tilt
it slightly toward you.
To make the electrical connection and fasten the drainpipe,
place a wedge between the air conditioner and the wall
(see fig. 14).
After these operations have been carried out, the air
conditioner can be pushed firmly against the wall so that
the bottom hook catches.
When you have finished, inspect carefully to make sure
there are no fissures at the back of the air conditioner
(the insulating gasket must fit firmly against the wall)
particularly in the zone where air enters and leaves the
CHAP. 2.4
The air conditioner is assembled in the factory ready to
be installed low on the wall.
The air outlet, in this case, is at the top of the air conditioner
with the recycle grating and control panel.
In order to prepare the product for installation on the top
part of the wall, follow the instructions below.
Removal of front
Note: if the air conditioner has not been installed on
the wall yet, place it on its back. To not apply heavy
pressure to the bottom of the device as this could
dent or scratch the casing.
Use a small blade screwdriver to remove the horizontal
strips on the casing, applying gentle leverage in the slits
along the sides. (see fig. 15).
Take care not to scratch the strips or casing with the
screwdriver point.
Unscrew the 8 self-threading screws that fasten the casing
to the air conditioner.
Lift the casing off carefully, pulling it toward you by about
50 cm (see fig. 16).
Disconnect the fastener on the right that fastens the wires to
the airflow deviation baffle adjustment motor (see fig. 17).
Now you can remove the casing completely.
Fig. 17
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
Fig. 16