Operateur electromecanique 230v / 120v irreversible a cremaillere pour portails coulissants jusqu'a 600 /400 kg (76 pages)
Sommaire des Matières pour V2 SLAID140
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com INDICE 1.1 - SERVIZIO DI ASSISTENZA TECNICA ........................1.2 - DICHIARAZIONE UE DI CONFORMITÀ ........................1.3 - DIRETTIVA MACCHINE ............................2 - CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE ..........................3 - ELENCO DEI COMPONENTI ............................3.1 - ELENCO DELLE ATTREZZATURE NECESSARIE ......................4 - TAGLIO DEI PROFILI ESTRUSI IN ALLUMINIO E GOMMA ...................
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Dichiarazione in accordo alle Direttive: 2014/35/UE (LVD); manuale del sensore/i utilizzato/i. 2014/30/UE (EMC); 2006/42/CE (MD) ALLEGATO II, PARTE B Il fabbricante V2 S.p.A., con sede in Corso Principi di Piemonte 65, 12035, Racconigi (CN), Italia Dichiara sotto la propria responsabilità che: l’automatismo modello:...
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• Kit batterie La scatola kit 1 anta è composta dal seguente materiale (Fig.1): 1. due testate 2. motoriduttore SLAID140 o SLAID160 3. sacchetto componenti vari sacchetto viteria per le ante cod. SA40120 sacchetto viteria kit cod. SA40240 4. due carrelli 5.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 4 - TAGLIO DEI PROFILI ESTRUSI IN 6 - PREDISPOSIZIONI PER ALLUMINIO E GOMMA L’INSTALLAZIONE Per ricavare la lunghezza delle tre tipologie di profili (Fig.2-3-6-7-8) seguire le seguenti indicazioni: PERICOLO: verificare con attenzione il peso delle ante in modo che rientrino nelle portate massime consentite dall’automatismo;...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 7 - QUOTE PER IL FISSAGGIO DEL 8 - FISSAGGIO DEL CASSONETTO A CASSONETTO PARETE Negli ingressi a due ante è necessario centrare l’automatismo rispetto al vano di passaggio in modo da far coincidere il punto di PERICOLO: le fasi di installazione e fissaggio incontro delle ante con la mezzeria del vano luce (Fig.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 9 - DATI PER IL POSIZIONAMENTO DEI 12 - MONTAGGIO DELLA PULEGGIA COMPONENTI RINVIO E DEL MOTORIDUTTORE (TRAVERSA 1 ANTA) Rilevare le caratteristiche principali dell’automatismo per poter calcolare le posizioni dei componenti (Fig.6-7-8): Utilizzare viti e dadi del sacchetto viterie e montarli sulle staffe di • Numero ante motore e rinvio.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 14 - TAGLIO DELLA CINGHIA 17 - REGOLAZIONE DELLE ANTE (VALIDO PER 1 ANTA E 2 ANTE) La regolazione delle ante può avvenire sui tre assi X, Y, Z (Fig.26) in modo distinto a seconda delle esigenze di installazione. Calcolare la lunghezza della cinghia con la seguente formula: LC = (L - PMDX - PMSX - 14) x 2 REGOLAZIONE TRASVERSALE (Y) Fig.26 - Fig.27...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 18 - TENSIONAMENTO DELLA CINGHIA 20 - MONTAGGIO DEL MODULO BATTERIE (OPZIONALE) Per ottenere una corretta tensione della cinghia procedere come segue (Fig.24): Il kit modulo batteria è fornito in una scatola dove sono presenti: 1.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Per un’anta con apertura a destra utilizzare la formula (Fig.41): Con riferimento alla Fig.45C inserire la guaina F e il cavo D nel BLO = A - 70 + PS tenditore E ed avvitare il tenditore nell’apposita sede della leva. Inserire il barilotto G dotato di relativi grani H assicurandosi Per un’anta con apertura a sinistra utilizzare la formula (Fig.42): che questi non ostruiscano il foro di passaggio cavi presente...
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2. fissare il coperchio tramite le viti 5x10 B avvitandole negli Sul display dovrà comparire (Fig.49): inserti posizionati nelle apposite sedi presenti nelle testate 1-12 • L’ultima versione del firmware (Es. (Fig.56-57) • La tipologia di automatismo ( = SLAID140, = SLAID160) 1-02 • L’ultima versione del safety control (Es. • lampeggiante 27 - MONTAGGIO DEL PROFILO DI...
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L1 e la superficie della trave dell’automatismo. ATTENZIONE: verificare il verso corretto di inserimento In caso contrario potrebbe essere compromessa una del connettore batterie; usare solo batterie fornite da V2; importante funzione di sicurezza dell’intero impianto usare solo cavo di cablaggio scheda/batterie munito di e potrebbero verificarsi scosse elettriche mortali o protezione a fusibile del valore di 6,3AT.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 31 - CENTRALE DI COMANDO E SENSORI CONFORMI EN16005 In Fig.10 sono riportati i sensori collegabili alla centrale di I sensori di sicurezza A e D svolgono le seguenti 2 funzioni: comando: 1. sicurezza in apertura: rilevano presenza in zona A3 o A4 e in sensore sinistro di sicurezza in apertura caso di ostacolo fermano le ante in apertura sensore interno di comando e sicurezza in chiusura...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 32 - COLLEGAMENTI ALLA MORSETTIERA (DA Fig.68 A 73) Collegare tutti i componenti della porta automatica alla centrale di comando con cavi elettrici di sezione opportuna rispettando le indicazioni della tabella seguente: RIFERIMENTO DEFAULT DESCRIZIONE FIGURA...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 33 - MESSA IN FUNZIONE DELL’AUTOMATISMO La messa in funzione dell’automatismo prevede l’esecuzione della sequenza sotto riportata: 1. controllo del corretto serraggio di tutte le viti, dell’antideragliamento carrelli, del cassonetto e di tutti gli elementi sollecitati a sforzi e vibrazioni durante il funzionamento;...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 34 - PROCEDURA DI LEARN SENSOR 6. il codice x indica quali sensori sono stati rilevati secondo la corrispondenza della tabella sotto; verificare che l’indicazione sul display corrisponda ai sensori realmente installati e in caso di esito positivo premere ENT per confermare e salvare La procedura learn sensor ( ) permette alla centrale di comando la configurazione (a questo punto il display visualizzerà...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 35 - PROCEDURA DI LEARN 7. il codice x lampeggiante indica che la procedura non può terminare perché uno o più ingressi delle sicurezze risultano PARAMETERS ( attivi (condizione di errore) invece che a riposo (condizione corretta);...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 36 - MODALITÀ DI IMPOSTAZIONE PARAMETRI 3. selezionare il valore desiderato con i tasti +/- quindi premere Dopo aver completato le procedure la centrale di ENT per confermare il valore scelto: il valore viene memorizzato comando è...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com DESCRIZIONE REGOLAZIONE DEFAULT Non gestito Mantenere a Selezione pesi ante Apprendimento automatico <50kg ad anta 50kg-100kg ad anta >100kg ad anta Polarità ingresso Start 1 Polarità ingresso Start 2 Polarità ingresso Safe Open 1 Polarità...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 37 - DIAGNOSTICA Errori sugli ingressi delle sicurezze attive Prima di ogni apertura/chiusura la centrale verifica le sicurezze attive (sensori) tramite l’apposito circuito di test e in caso di Visualizzazione dati memoria anomalia non esegue la manovra prevista. In tal caso sul display Il display della centrale di comando permette di visualizzare viene segnalato un errore a codice lampeggiante (rif.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Stati di anomalia al momento dell’accensione I messaggi di errore sotto indicano un’anomalia presente al momento della messa in funzione dell’impianto: SEGNALAZIONE DESCRIZIONE Lampeggiante Errore mancata acquisizione parametri porta, procedere con procedura Lampeggiante Errore main key non inserita o non configurata Lampeggiante...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com INDEX 1.1 - TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICE ..........................1.2 - EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ........................1.3 - MACHINERY DIRECTIVE ............................2 - TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ..........................3 - LIST OF PARTS ................................3.1 - LIST OF NECESSARY EQUIPMENT .......................... 4 - SIZE OF EXTRUDED PROFILES IN ALUMINIUM AND RUBBER ..................
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COMPLETED MACHINE as per the instructions in the manual of the sensor/s used. Declaration in accordance with Directives: 2014/35/UE (LVD); 2014/30/UE (EMC); 2006/42/CE (MD) ANNEX II, PART B The manufacturer V2 S.p.A., headquarters in Corso Principi di Piemonte 65, 12035, Racconigi (CN), Italy Under its sole responsibility hereby declares that: the partly completed machinery model(s):...
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• Small brush • Electrical lock kit • Batteries kit The 1 door kit box is composed of the following material (Fig.1): 1. two heads 2. gearmotor SLAID140 or SLAID160 3. bag of various components bag of screws for the doors code SA40120 bag of screws kit code SA40240 4. two trolleys 5. control unit with power cable. The bag of various components is composed of the following material: • 10 cable glands...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 4 - CUTTING THE EXTRUDED PROFILES 6 - PREPARATION FOR INSTALLATION IN ALUMINIUM AND RUBBER DANGER: carefully check the weight of the doors To obtain the length of the three types of profiles are within the maximum capacity permitted for the (Fig.2-3-6-7-8) follow the instructions below: automatism;...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 7 - MEASUREMENTS FOR BOX 8 - BOX FASTENING TO WALL FASTENING DANGER: the installation and fastening phases of For the inputs with two doors, you need to centre the automatism the automatism require movement of parts and heavy based on the passage compartment so the meeting point of the equipment at a height over 2 or 3 metres.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 9 - DATA FOR COMPONENT 12 - ASSEMBLY OF RETURN PULLEY POSITIONING AND GEARMOTOR (1 DOOR CROSSBEAM) Use the main characteristics of the automatism to calculate the positions of the parts (Fig.6-7-8): Use the nuts and bolts from the bag of screws and assemble them • Door number on the motor and return brackets.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 14 - BELT CUTTING 17 - DOOR ADJUSTMENT (VALID FOR 1 DOOR AND 2 DOORS) Adjustment of the doors can be on three axes X, Y, Z (Fig.26) based on installation requirements. Calculate the length of the belt with the following formula: LC = (L - PMDX - PMSX - 14) x 2 TRANSVERSAL ADJUSTMENT (Y) Fig.26 - Fig.27 Loosen the fastening screws F and move the door on axis Y until...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 18 - BELT TIGHTENING 20 - ASSEMBLY OF BATTERIES MODULE (OPTIONAL) To obtain correct tightening of the belt, proceed as follows (Fig.24): The batteries module kit is supplied in a box with: 1. ensure the motor unit is positioned and fastened as previously • the batteries module indicated • bag of screws code SA40570 2. ensure the nuts D are loosened so the entire assembly can • cabling wires to connect batteries to the control unit move sideways • battery charger board 3. ensure the screw E is loosened and not pressing on spring F 4.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com For a door with right hand opening, use the formula (Fig.41): With reference to Fig.45C insert the sheath F and the cable D in the tightening device E and screw in the tightening device in the • BLO = A - 70 + PS specific lever compartment. Insert the barrel G equipped with For a door with left hand opening, use the formula (Fig.42): the relevant grub screws H ensuring they are not obstructing • BLO = A - 48 + PD the cable passage hole on the barrel itself. Insert cable D in the hole in the barrel G. Close the lever and slightly tighten by hand For two doors, use the formula (Fig.43): to recover the ranges. Holding the cable tight, firmly tighten the...
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2. fasten the cover using the 5x10 B screws by screwing them into the inserts positioned in the specific compartments on the The display should show (Fig.49): heads (Fig.56-57) 1-12 • The latest version of the firmware (e.g. • The type of automatism ( = SLAID140, = SLAID160) • The latest version of safety control (e.g. 1-02) 27 - ASSEMBLY OF BUFFER PROFILE • flashing (OPTIONAL) ATTENTION: The firmware and safety control versions outlined in Figure 49 are an example.
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ATTENTION: check the correct insertion direction of the Check perfect electrical continuity between ground pole L1 battery connector; only use batteries supplied by V2; only and the surface of the automatism beam. use a cable for the board /batteries with a protection fuse On the contrary, an important safety function could be 6.3AT.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 31 - CONTROL UNIT AND SENSORS COMPLIANT WITH EN16005 Fig.10 outlines the sensors which can be connected to the control The safety sensors A and D perform the following 2 functions: unit: 1. safety in opening: detects the presence in zone A3 or A4 and A - left safety sensor in opening in the event of an obstacle prevents opening of the doors B - internal safety sensor in opening 2. test: check safety in opening (function 1) is working properly; in the event of a fault, they prevent door opening (ref. C - external safety sensor in opening EN16005 performance level C) D - right safety sensor in opening The following table outlines the connections of sensors A, B, C, D The opening sensors B and C perform the following 3 functions:...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 32 - TERMINAL BOARD CONNECTIONS (FROM Fig.68 TO 73) Connect all the components of the automatic door to the control unit with the appropriately sectioned electrical cables, in compliance with the instructions in the following table: REFERENCE DEFAULT DESCRIPTION FIGURE START1 External sensor for opening command Fig.68 Common for inputs 1-5 OPTOREF Not used (bridged) -OO- Not used (bridged) START2 Internal sensor for opening command OUT 15VDC...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 33 - AUTOMATISM START-UP To prepare the automated system for use, follow the sequence below: 1. connection of battery and network power supply (230Vac); 2. Learn Sensors ( ) procedure 3. Learn Parameters ( ) procedure; 4. adjustment of parameters if necessary; 5. checks of screws, anti-derailing carriages, case and all elements subjected to vibrations during operation; 6. final test of the correct function of all safety devices installed with the use of specific instrumentation prescribed by EN16005; DANGER: each of the activities 1 to 6 listed above are fundamental to the safety of the system; ensure the person responsible is suitably qualified and do not skip any steps or checks.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 34 - LEARN SENSOR PROCEDURE ( Safe Safe Safe Safe Signal Open 2 Open 1 Close 2 Close 1 The learn sensor procedure ( ) allows the control unit to automatically detect the sensors connected with particular reference to the presence and quantity of supervised sensors. After detection, the control unit shows on the display the configuration and type of sensors it has detected: it is the responsibility of the installation technician to verify that the configuration shown on the display corresponds with the actual installation and then definitively confirm the configuration if it is correct for the purpose. From that moment, the control unit with use the configuration confirmed.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 35 - LEARN PARAMETERS ( 7. the flashing ... code indicates that the cannot terminate because one or more of the inputs of the safety devices are PROCEDURE active instead of at rest; use the table below to identify the inputs from the code on the display: The learn parameters ( ) procedure allows the control unit to acquire essential operation data such as the dimensions of the Safe Safe Safe...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 36 - PARAMETERS SETTING MODE After completing the procedures, the control unit is ready to operate with the default parameters or with the latest 3. select the desired value with the +/- keys then press ENT to parameters set by the installation technician. It is possible to confirm the value selected: the value is saved by the control change the settings using the keys of the control unit and relative unit; display. 4. press ESC to end the procedure To change the adjustments of the table below, proceed as follows: NOTE: if the keys are not pressed for 10 seconds during the 1. press the +/- keys to show the number of the parameter to be adjustment, the control unit exits the procedure and returns to modified: opening speed, closing speed, etc.;...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com DESCRIPTION ADJUSTMENT DEFAULT Unmanaged Maintaining Leaf weight selection Self-learning <50kg per leaf 50kg-100kg per leaf >100kg per leaf Start 1 input polarity Start 2 input polarity Terminal 17 input polarity Not used Not used Terminal 18 input polarity Aux In1 input polarity Aux In2 input polarity Key input polarity Aux Out output polarity Not used Not used First Input Mode Bistable Monostable Battery Management...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 37 - DIAGNOSTICS Errors on inputs of active safety devices Before each opening/closing manoeuvre, the control unit checks the active safety devices (sensors) via the test circuit and if a fault Memory data view is detected does not carry out the manoeuvre. In this case, the The control unit display allows you to view the values saved by display will show an F code error (ref. table below) which refers the system during operation and programming, such as: firmware to the pending test (awaiting completion) of one of the safety version loaded, number of manoeuvres performed, etc. devices installed: To view the value desired, proceed as follows: SIGNAL...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Faulty states on start-up I messaggi di errore sotto indicano un’anomalia presente al momento della messa in funzione dell’impianto: SIGNAL DESCRIPTION Flashing Door parameters acquisition fail error, proceed with procedure Flashing Main key not inserted or not configured error Flashing Supervised sensors acquisition fail error, proceed with procedure To resolve errors , follow the procedures described in...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com INDEX 1.1 - SERVICE D’ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE ........................1.2 - DÉCLARATION UE DE CONFORMITÉ ........................1.3 - DIRECTIVE MACHINES ............................2 - CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUES ........................... 3 - LISTE DES COMPOSANTS ............................3.1 - LISTE DES OUTILLAGES NÉCESSAIRES ........................4 - COUPE DES PROFILÉS EXTRUDÉS EN ALUMINIUM ET CAOUTCHOUC ..............
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: 1.1 - SERVICE D’ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE • Préparer le Livret Technique avec les documents indiqués dans Pour tout précision technique ou problème d’installation V2 l’annexe VII de la Directive Machines et le conserver pendant au dispose d’un Service Clients à Votre disposition du lundi au moins 10 ans.
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• Kit blocage électrique • Kit batteries La boîte kit 1 vantail se compose du matériel suivant (Fig.1): 1. deux têtes 2. motoréducteur SLAID140 ou SLAID160 3. sachet composants divers sachet vis pour les vantaux code SA40120 sachet vis kit code SA40240 4. deux chariots 5.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 4 - COUPE DES PROFILÉS EXTRUDÉS EN 6 - PRÉDISPOSITION POUR ALUMINIUM ET CAOUTCHOUC L’INSTALLATION Pour obtenir la longueur des trois typologies de profilés (Fig.2-3-6-7-8) suivre les indications suivantes : DANGER : vérifier avec attention le poids des vantaux de façon à ce qu’ils rentrent dans les portées maximums admises par l’automatisme ;...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 7 - COTES POUR LA FIXATION DU 8 - FIXATION DU CAISSON MURAL CAISSON DANGER : les phases d’installation et de fixation Dans les entrées à deux vantaux, il faut centrer l’automatisme par de l’automatisme demandent la manutention de parties rapport à...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 9 - DONNÉES POUR LE 12 - MONTAGE DE LA POULIE DE POSITIONNEMENT DES COMPOSANTS RENVOI ET DU MOTORÉDUCTEUR (TRAVERSE 1 VANTAIL) Relever les caractéristiques principales de l’automatisme pour pouvoir calculer les positions des composants (Fig.6-7-8) : Utiliser des vis et écrous du sachet vis et les monter sur les étriers • Nombre vantail de moteur et renvoi.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 14 - COUPE DE LA COURROIE 17 - RÉGLAGE DES VANTAUX (POUR 1 VANTAIL ET 2 VANTAUX) Le réglage des vantaux peut se faire sur les trois axes X, Y, Z (Fig.26) de façon distincte suivant les exigences d’installation. Calculer la longueur de la courroie avec la formule suivante : LC = (L - PMDX - PMSX - 14) x 2 RÉGLAGE TRANSVERSAL (Y) Fig.26 - Fig.27...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 18 - MISE EN TENSION DE LA 20 - MONTAGE DU MODULE COURROIE BATTERIES (EN OPTION) Pour obtenir une tension correcte de la courroie, procéder de la Le kit module batterie est fourni dans une boîte où sont présents : façon suivante (Fig.24) : • le module batteries 1.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Pour un vantail avec ouverture à droite, utiliser la formule (Fig.41): Avec référence à la Fig.45C introduire la gaine F et le câble D dans le tendeur E et visser le tendeur dans l’emplacement prévu du • BLO = A - 70 + PS levier.
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2. fixer le couvercle avec les vis 5x10 B en les vissant dans les Sur l’afficheur devra apparaître (Fig.49) : inserts positionnés dans les emplacements présents dans les 1-12 • La dernière version du firmware (Ex. têtes (Fig.56-57) • La typologie d’automatisme ( = SLAID140, = SLAID160) 1-02 • La dernière version du safety control (Ex. • clignotant 27 - MONTAGE DU PROFILÉ DE ATTENTION : Les versions firmware et safety control reportées dans la figure 49 sont un exemple.
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; utiliser uniquement des batteries En cas contraire, une importante fonction de sécurité de fournies par V2 ; utiliser uniquement câble de câblage/ toute l’installation pourrait être compromise et des chocs batteries muni de protection à fusible de la valeur de 6,3AT.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 31 - CENTRALE DE COMMANDE ET CAPTEURS CONFORMES EN16005 Dans la Fig.10 sont reportés les capteurs qui peuvent être Les capteurs de sécurité A et D remplissent les 2 fonctions connectés à la centrale de commande : suivantes : 1.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 32 - BRANCHEMENT AU BORNIER (D’APRÈS Fig.68 A 73) Brancher tous les composants de la porte automatique à la centrale de commande avec câbles électriques de section adaptée en respectant les indications du tableau suivant : RÉFÉRENCE DEFAULT DESCRIPTION...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 33 - MISE EN FONCTIONNEMENT DE L’AUTOMATISME La mise en marche de l’automatisme prévoit l’exécution de la séquence indiquée ci-après : 1. branchement batterie et alimentation de réseau (230Vac) ; 2. procédure Learn Sensors ( 3.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 34 - PROCEDURE DE LEARN SENSOR 6. le code … indique les capteurs qui ont été détectés selon la correspondance du tableau ci-dessous ; vérifier que l’indication sur l’écran corresponde aux capteurs réellement installés et, si oui presser ENT pour confirmer et sauvegarder la configuration La procédure learn sensor ( ) permet à...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 35 - PROCEDURE DE LEARN 7. le code … clignotant indique que la ne peut terminer parce qu’une ou plusieurs entrées des sécurité sont actives et PARAMETERS ( non pas au repos ; se servir du tableau ci-dessous pour localiser les entrées à...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 36 - MODALITES DE REGLAGE DES PARAMETRES 3. sélectionner la valeur désirée avec les touches +/- puis presser Après avoir complété la l’armoire de commande est ENT pour confirmer la valeur choisie: la valeur est mémorisée prête à...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com DESCRIPTION RÉGLAGE DEFAULT Non managé Maintenir Sélection poids battants Apprentissage automatique <50kg par battant 50kg-100kg par battant >100kg par battant Polarité entrée Start 1 Polarité entrée Start 2 Polarité entrée Safe Open 1 Polarité...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com 37 - DIAGNOSTIC Erreurs sur les entrées des sécurités actives Avant chaque ouverture/fermeture l’armoire de commande vérifie les sécurités actives (capteurs) à l’aide du circuit de test et Visualisation des données de mémoire en cas d’anomalie elle n’exécute pas la manœuvre prévue.
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com États d’anomalie au moment de l’allumage Les messages d’erreur ci-dessous indiquent une anomalie présente au moment de la mise en marche de l’installation: SIGNALISATION DESCRIPTION Clignotant Erreur échec d'acquisition des paramètres de la porte, procéder à l'aide de la procédure Clignotant Erreur main key pas insérée ou pas...
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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com...
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Fax +34 93 6992855 Fax + 212 522 861514 spain@v2home.com v2maroc@v2maroc.com FRANCE PORTUGAL TUNISIE AFCA - V2 SAS V2 AUTOMATISMOS 4 bis, rue Henri Becquerel - B.P. 43 V2 TUNISIE SARL 69740 GENAS (FRANCE) PORTUGAL LDA 47, rue El Moez El Manzah 1 Tel.