If there is no response from any of the following tests, refer
to the main wiring diagram to locate the next connector in
line toward the console and repeat the test at that connector.
If there is a response at that connector, the problem may be
in the cable between the two connectors (or the con nectors
Disconnect the speed sensor cable from the speed
connection. Use a meter to check for voltage. It should
read 12V between pins B and C and 9V between pins A and
C. See wiring diagram in appendix.
Disconnect the flow sensor cable from the main harness
flow connection. Use a meter to check for voltage. It
should read 12V between pins B and C and 9V between
pins A and C. See wiring diagram in appendix.
Note: If a multi-meter is not available, find a small piece of
wire to use as a jumper. Short across pins A and C several
times quickly to send a signal to the console. If the cable is
functional, the console should respond with a reading.
If using a turbine flow meter, ensure the turbine spins freely.
If the turbine spins freely but the meter will not register flow
with a known working sensor, the turbine may be defective.
With the console turned ON, put the console in MANUAL
mode, place the remote Run/Hold switch in the RUN position
and turn at least one section switch to ON. Using a voltmeter
or simple test light, check from a good frame ground to each
of the servo wires on the main harness connector. You should
get 0 volts on each wire. Holding the Increase button should
cause the RED wire to pulse toward 12 volts (light will pulse).
Holding the Decrease button should cause the BLACK wire to
pulse toward 12 volts (light will pulse).
The best way to test the servo valve is with a known working
console. Select MANUAL mode, place the Run/Hold in the RUN
position, and turn at least one section switch to ON. With the
servo valve connected to the servo valve lead on the main
harness, holding the Increase button should close the servo
valve and holding the Decrease button should open the servo
valve (if plumbing is configured for Bypass operation). The
servo valve should operate smoothly in both directions, from
fully open to fully closed.
You may also test a servo valve with a 9V battery. Connecting
the battery to each terminal on the servo valve should cause
the servo valve to run in one direction. Reversing the battery
connections should cause the servo valve to run the other
HYP1100 (01-15-23)
direction. The servo valve should operate smoothly in both
directions, from fully open to fully closed.
System plumbing is a critical factor in obtaining optimal
performance from your ProStop-E ISOBUS rate control
system. The chart on the next page may help you determine
what area of the plumbing is causing your problem. It is
assumed that the servo valve and flowmeter are installed
correctly and functioning. In addition, make certain that you
have selected and installed the correct spray tips for the
application, speed and spray rate that you intend to maintain.
Do not overlook leaky fittings and hoses, pinched hoses and
plugged or worn nozzles.