Before operating the generator, review chapters "GENERATOR SAFETY" (see
page 6).
For your safety, do not operate the generator in an enclosed, or partly enclosed
area such as a garage (even if the door is open) or near structures or vehicles.
Your generator's exhaust contains poisonous carbon monoxide gas that can
collect rapidly in such areas, structures, vehicles, trailers, or boats.
• Do not operate the generator when it is in a storage, cargo, or security
enclosure, including any RV generator bay.
• Always completely remove the generator from the vehicle, trailer, boat or
other equipment or structure during operation.
• The generator must remain stationary while in operation.
Exhaust contains poisonous carbon
monoxide gas that can build up to
dangerous levels in enclosed or partly
enclosed areas.
Breathing carbon monoxide can cause
unconsciousness or death.
Never run this product's engine in an
enclosed, or even partly enclosed area.