Tutoriels - 4.7 Utilisation de « SongBook + » pour iPad avec les instruments Pa–Series
4.7.6 Highlight the position in a song
Do you want to have the current position in the lyrics highlighted while singing? Just record the
position by tracing your fingertip over the text and replay the Karaoke style markings later.
4.7.7 MIDI-controlled document popup
"SongBook+" can automatically display the lyrics of a song that you select on the keyboard by
listening to the MIDI program change command from the keyboard.
4.7.8 Using gestures
In the document view you can execute the most important commands with simple gestures.
Scroll the document like a book using one finger or press the "play" or "stop" button if you make
the same gestures using two fingers.
KORG PA3X - Aide-mémoire d'utilisation
Janvier 2018