5. For Twist Handle: To reposition the stirrups grasp the handle palms down and
twist with your thumbs going up toward the ceiling. When you have reached
the desired degree of lithotomy and or abduction simply release the handle.
Device controls and indicators:
Attach Rail Clamp at
Patient Hip Joint and
Mount Stirrup. Handles
Should Mount on the
Outside. The Boot Should
Cradle the Upper Calf.
Squeezing the One-
Touch Control Handle
Unlocks and Controls
the Abduction,
Adduction and
Lithotomy Controls of
the Stirrup.
Document Number: 80024541
Version: B
This Symbol Represents the Patient's Right foot
Page 14
Loosen Control Handle
to Adjust Flexion,
Extension, Abduction,
Adduction and
Ensure Control
Handles Are Tight.
Ensure Rail Clamp with
Stirrup Mounted is
Aligned with Patient's
Hip. Toe, Knee and
Opposing Shoulder
Should Be Aligned.
Issue Date: 18 MAR 2020
Ref Blank Template: 80025118 Ver. E