5. Installation
Mounting accessories
For installations under difficult conditions, these mounting accessories are available:
Mounting kit RDX
(Art. no. 34100)
The instant water heater can be installed by means of this mounting kit in the below
situations. The power supply cable is coming out of the wall at any place from behind
the unit, but the wall has unusual surface conditions, making it difficult for installing
the water heater. The power supply cable is coming from elsewhere and has to be con-
nected to the back of the unit.
When using the RDX the protection class changes from IP25 to IP24.
Extension kit VDX
(Art. no. 34120) – RDX is necessary! –
The instant water heater can be installed by means of this extension kit if the water
pipes are coming displaced or exchanged out of the wall or if they are coming edge-
wise on the wall to the unit. The power supply could come out of the wall at any place
under the unit or the wiring could be installed surface-mounted.
Extension kit UDX
(Art. no. 34110) – RDX is necessary! –
The instant water heater can be installed by means of this extension kit if the water-
connections are expiring above the unit. The power supply could come out of the wall
at any place under the unit or the wiring could be installed surface-mounted.