7.7.1) Signals with flashing light
If a flashing light is connected it emits one flash per second during the manoeuvre; in the event of faults, the flashing frequency increases
with flashes repeated twice, separated by a pause of a second. The same conditions apply to the courtesy light.
Table 20: Signals on FLASH flashing light
Quick flashes
1 flash
Pause of 1 second
1 flash
2 flashes
Pause of 1 second
2 flashes
3 flashes
Pause of 1 second
3 flashes
4 flashes
Pause of 1 second
4 flashes
5 flashes
Pause of 1 second
2 flashes
6 flashes
Pause of 1 second
6 flashes
7 flashes
Pause of 1 second
7 flashes
8 flashes
Pause of 1 second
8 flashes
Error on BlueBUS
Activation of a Photocell
Activation of Motor Force lim-
Stop input activation
Error in internal parameters of
the electronic control unit
Maximum number of
manoeuvres per hour
Error in internal electric circuits
Overcurrent on motor circuits
At the start of the manoeuvre, the check on devices connected to BlueBUS does
not correspond to those memorised during the learning phase. There may be
faulty devices; check and replace as necessary. If modifications are made, repeat
the learning procedure (7.3.4 Learning other devices).
At the start of the manoeuvre one or more photocells do not enable the move-
ment; check for the presence of obstacles
During movement this is normal if an obstacle is effectively present
During movement, the door is subject to points of increased friction; check cause
At the start of or during movement, the STOP input is activated; check cause
Wait at least 30 seconds and retry a command; if the condition persists, this may
indicate a serious fault and the electronic board needs to be replaced
Wait a few minutes for the manoeuvre limiter to return within the maximum limit
Disconnect all power circuits for a few seconds and then retry a command; if the
condition persists this may indicate a serious fault with the board or motor wiring.
Check and make replacements as necessary
Disconnect all power circuits for a few seconds and then retry a command; if the
condition persists this may indicate a serious fault with the board or motor wiring.
Check and make replacements as necessary