50. Secure an 3-inch (75mm) servo extension to the servo
using a commercially available fastener (SPMA3054).
Secure the servo in the wing using a #1 Phillips
screwdriver and the screws provided with the servo.
Make sure the servo output faces toward the leading
edge of the wing. Pull the fl ap servo extension through
the wing so it exits near the aileron servo lead.
The servo arm for the flap servos
will point toward the right wing tip.
51. Center the fl ap servo using the radio system. Attach the
servo arm to the servo using the hardware included with
the servo. Remove any arms that may interfere with the
operation of the servo.
52. Use a pin vise and 5/64-inch (2mm) drill bit to enlarge
the hole in the servo arm that is 1/2-inch (12mm).
53. Place the fl ap in the UP fl ap position. We recommend
using low-tack tape to keep the fl ap in position during
the next few steps.
54. Use the radio system to move the servo to the UP fl ap
position. Use a felt-tipped pen to mark the pushrod
where it crosses the outer hole in the servo arm.
55. Remove any tape holding the fl ap in position. Connect
the linkage to the servo arm using a pushrod keeper. Use
the radio system to center the fl ap servo.
Remove the screw securing the servo arm to
make adjustments to the linkage in the next step.
56. Make sure the fl ap is in the MID fl ap position according
to the control throws in this manual. Adjust the linkage
as necessary to set the throw.
57. Move the servo to the FULL fl ap position using the radio
system. Adjust the throws in the radio system to obtain
the measurements listed in the manual for the full fl ap
58. Move the servo to the UP fl ap position using the radio
system. Adjust the throws at the radio system to bring
the fl ap in alignment with the trailing edge of the wing.