174. Check that the carburetor opens fully. Adjust the settings
in the radio if necessary to fully open the carburetor
without binding the servo.
175. Check that the carburetor closes fully. Adjust the settings
in the radio if necessary to fully close the carburetor
without binding the servo.
176. Check that the throttle closes. Adjust the linkage as
Adjustments can also be made at the radio when
using a computer radio. Make any large adjustment
with the linkage and its position and fine-tune the
operation of the carburetor using the radio features.
177. Secure the tubing to the tube from the stopper using thin
locking wire or a tie wrap. This will keep the tubing from
sliding loose inside the tank. Use the clunk and tubing
included with the engine.
178. Secure the tubing to the clunk using thin wire. This will
keep the tubing from sliding loose inside the tank.
P-47D Thunderbolt 20cc
179. Attach the clunk included with the kit to the stopper.
Secure the tubing to the stopper and clunk.
This will be used for fueling and defueling.
Apply a very small amount of soapy water to the
stopper to make it easier to install the stopper into the tank.
180. Insert the stopper fully into the tank. Check that the clunk
can move freely in the tank. The tube to the clunk can
be moved in or out to fi ne-tune the position of the clunk
inside the tank. Once set, tighten the screw using a #1
Phillips screwdriver to secure the stopper in the tank.
181. Secure a 5-inch (127mm) fuel line to the fi ll line of the
tank. The overfl ow line can be attached to the vent, as
well as the remaining tubing to the clunk line that will
eventually attach to the carburetor. Tie wraps can also be
used to secure the fuel lines as well as wire ties.
182. Secure the receiver and ignition batteries in the fuselage
using hook and loop tape.
The batteries can also be mounted
under the fuel tank tray.
183. Slide the tubing from the tank through the hole in the
fi rewall. The tank will fi t between the batteries. Foam
rubber can be placed between the batteries and fuel tank
to hold everything securely in the fuselage.