Hangar 9 P-51D Mustang Manuel D'utilisation

Hangar 9 P-51D Mustang Manuel D'utilisation

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P-51D Mustang with
Instruction Manual
Manuel d'utilisation
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Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Hangar 9 P-51D Mustang

  • Page 1 P-51D Mustang with SAFE Technology ® Instruction Manual Bedienungsanleitung ® Manuel d’utilisation Manuale di Istruzioni www.modellmarkt24.ch...
  • Page 2: Safety Precautions And Warnings

    • SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND WARNINGS NOTICE All instructions, warranties and other collateral documents are subject to change at the sole discretion of Horizon Hobby, As the user of this product, you are solely responsible for operating in a manner that does not endanger yourself and others or LLC.
  • Page 3: Spezielle Bedeutungen

    • SICHERHEITSMASSNAHMEN UND WARNUNGEN HINWEIS Alle Anweisungen, Garantien und anderen zugehörigen Dokumente können im eigenen Ermessen von Horizon Hobby, LLC. Als Benutzer dieses Produkts sind ausschließlich Sie für den Betrieb auf eine Weise verantwortlich, die sie selbst oder andere jederzeit geändert werden. Die aktuelle Produktliteratur fi nden Sie auf horizonhobby.com unter der Registerkarte „Support“ nicht gefährdet, bzw.
  • Page 4: Précautions Et Avertissements Liés À La Sécurité

    • PRÉCAUTIONS ET AVERTISSEMENTS LIÉS À LA SÉCURITÉ REMARQUE La totalité des instructions, garanties et autres documents est sujette à modifi cation à la seule discrétion d’Horizon Hobby, En tant qu’utilisateur de ce produit, il est de votre seule responsabilité de le faire fonctionner d’une manière qui ne mette en LLC.
  • Page 5: Precauzioni Per La Sicurezza E Avvertenze

    • PRECAUZIONI PER LA SICUREZZA E AVVERTENZE AVVISO Tutte le istruzioni, le garanzie e gli altri documenti pertinenti sono soggetti a cambiamenti a totale discrezione di Horizon L’utente di questo prodotto è l’unico responsabile del corretto utilizzo del medesimo in maniera che non sia pericoloso, sia nei Hobby, LLC.
  • Page 6 HAN510001 Fuselage with Fin Hangar 9 P-51 S: Rumpf m. Finne Fuselage avec dérive Fusoliera con deriva HAN510002 Wing with Joiner Hangar 9 P-51 S: Tragfl äche m. Verbinder Ailes avec clé Ala con accessori HAN510005 Tail Set Heck Empennages...
  • Page 7 • SMALL PARTS (NOT SHOWN)•KLEINTEILE (NICHT ABGEBILDET)•PETITES PIÈCES (NON REPRÉSENTÉES)•PARTI DI PICCOLE DIMENSIONI (NON MOSTRATE) EVOE8GX 8GX 8cc Gas Engine with Pumped Carburetor 8CGX 8cc Benzinmotor mit Pumpenvergaser Moteur 8GX 8cc essence avec carburateur à pompe Motore a benzina 8cc 8GX HAN5100001 330mm Aileron extension 330mm Querruderservoverlängerung...
  • Page 8 Bouchon Evolution pour bidon d’essence Tappo tanica carburante Evolution Locking ® HAN162 PowerPro HD 12V Starter Hangar 9 PowerPro HD 12V Starter Démarreur PowerPro HD 12V Avviatore PowerPro HD 12V ™ HAN19 12V 7Ah Battery/Charger Combo 12V 7Ah Akku/Ladegerät Combo...
  • Page 9 • REQUIRED ADHESIVES (NOT INCLUDED)•ERFORDERLICHE KLEBSTOFFE (NICHT IM LIEFERUMFANG)•TYPES DE COLLES (NON FOURNIS)•ADESIVI NECESSARI (NON COMPRESO) PAAPT09 Thin CA Sekundenkleber dünnfl üssig Colle cyano fi ne Sottile CA PAAPT35 15-minute Epoxy 15 Minuten Epoxy Époxy 15 minutes Colla epoxy 15 minuti •...
  • Page 10 • BEFORE STARTING ASSEMBLY • VOR DEM ZUSAMMENBAU • AVANT DE COMMENCER L’ASSEMBLAGE • PRIMA DI INIZIARE IL MONTAGGIO • Remove parts from bag. • Entnehmen Sie zur Überprüfung jedes Teil der Verpackung. • Retirez toutes les pièces des sachets pour les inspecter. •...
  • Page 11 • ASSEMBLY SYMBOL GUIDE•MONTAGE SYMBOLE•GUIDE DES SYMBOLES POUR ASSEMBLAGE•GUIDA AI SIMBOLI DI ASSEMBLAGGIO Apply threadlock Ensure free rotation Use medium CA Apply oil Schraubensicherungslack verwenden Rotation sicherstellen Mittelfl üssigen Öl verwenden Sekundenkleber verwenden Utilisez du frein fi let Permettez une rotation libre Appliquez lubricant Utilisez de la colle Applicare fuido threadlock...
  • Page 12: Charging Warnings

    Achtung Gefahr! Folgen Sie bitte sorgfältig diesen Anweisungen um das DANGER – To reduce the risk of fi re or electric shock, carefully follow these instructions Kurzschluss- oder Brandrisiko zu minimieren • CHARGING WARNINGS • WARNUNGEN ZUM LADEN VON AKKUS WARNUNG: Unaufmerksamkeit oder falscher Gebrauch des Produktes in Zusammenhang mit den folgenden WARNING: Failure to exercise caution while using this product and comply with the following warnings could result in Warnungen kann zu Fehlfunktionen, elektrischen Störungen, große Hitzeentwicklung, FEUER, und tötlichen Verletzungen...
  • Page 13: Avertissements Relatifs À La Charge

    DANGER – Afi n de réduire le risque d’incendie ou d’électrocution, suivez avec Pericolo- per ridurre il rischio d’incendio o di scosse, seguire le istruzioni passo passo attention les instructions suivantes • AVERTISSEMENTS RELATIFS À LA CHARGE • AVVERTIMENTI PER LA CARICA AVERTISSEMENT: Une erreur d’attention ou un non-respect des consignes durant l’utilisation de ce produit ATTENZIONE: Se non si utilizza questo prodotto con attenzione e non si osservano le seguenti avvertenze potrebbero peut entraîner un dysfonctionnement, une surchauffe, un INCENDIE et dans le pire des cas, des blessures et...
  • Page 14 • OPERATING YOUR CHARGER • BETRIEB DES LADEGERÄTES CAUTION: Never connect the AC and DC input cords to an active power source at the same time. This will void the ACHTUNG: Schließen Sie niemals die AC und DC Stromversorgung gleichzeitig an eine Stromquelle an. Dieses läßt die warranty, cause product damage and possibly injure the user.
  • Page 15: Guide De Dépannage

    • MODE D’EMPLOI DE VOTRE CHARGEUR • FUNZIONAMENTO DEL CARICABATTERIE ATTENTION: Ne jamais brancher les câbles d’alimentation CA et CC simultanément à une source d’alimentation ATTENZIONE: Non collegare mai nello stesso tempo l’alimentatore e i cavi di ingresso a c.c. a una sorgente di active.
  • Page 16 Place the battery in the fuselage and secure it using the hook and loop strap. Connect the battery connector to the switch harness. They will connect in only one direction. Setzen Sie den Akku in den Rumpf ein und sichern ihn mit der Klettschlaufe.
  • Page 17 • TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER BINDING • Binding Procedures • Bindevorgang • BINDEN VON SENDER UND EMPFÄNGER • Processus d’affectation • AFFECTATION (BINDING) DE L’ÉMETTEUR • Procedura di connessione (binding) AU RÉCEPTEUR IMPORTANT: The included AR636 receiver has been • CONNESSIONE DI TRASMETTITORE programmed for operation specifi...
  • Page 18 CAUTION: When using a Futaba transmitter ® Move the transmitter controls to neutral (fl ight controls: Connect the fl ight battery to the ESC. The ESC will produce a When the receiver binds to the transmitter, the orange bind with a Spektrum DSM module, you must reverse the throttle channel and rebind.
  • Page 19 • **Failsafe • RANGE CHECK YOUR RADIO SYSTEM • TRANSMITTER SWITCH ASSIGNMENTS • **Failsafe • REICHWEITENTEST DER • ZUORDNUNGEN SENDERSCHALTER The receiver should retain the binding instructions received • **Failsafe FERNSTEUERUNG • ASSIGNATION DES INTERRUPTEURS from the transmitter until another binding is done. •...
  • Page 20 • Toggles between fl ight modes: Gear/Channel 5 Switch • Operates Panic Recovery: Panic Switch Flight Modes Flight Modes Panic Switch Panikschalter Flugmodes Flugmodes Panikschalter Flap Switch (DX6i) Interrupteur Panique Modes de Vol Modes de Vol Interrupteur Panique Trainer/Bind button (DX7S, DX8) Antipanico Modalità...
  • Page 21: Transmitter Setup

    • TRANSMITTER SETUP Computerized Transmitter Setup The receiver can be reprogrammed for use in future models. Reprogramming will remove the SAFE ® Technology features programmied into the receiver, returning it to a standard Spektrum AR636 receiver. The manual for the AR636 receiver can ™...
  • Page 22 • SENDEREINSTELLUNGEN Einstellungen für Computersender (DX6i, DX6, DX7S, DX8, DX9, DX10t und DX18) Der Empfänger kann zur Nutzung in anderen Modelle neu programmiert werden. Mit der Neuprogrammierung löschen Sie aber Beginnen Sie alle Senderprogrammierungen mit einem freien und leeren Modellspeicher und alle programmierten SAFE FEATURES und bringen den Empfänger zurück auf die Standard Spektrum AR636 Einstellung.
  • Page 23: Configurations Des Émetteurs

    • CONFIGURATIONS DES ÉMETTEURS Configurations des émetteurs programmables Le récepteur pourra être reprogrammé pour une utilisation future dans d’autres modèles. La reprogrammation va effacer (DX6i, DX6, DX7S, DX8, DX9, DX10t et DX18) les Fonctions SAFE, le transformant en AR636 standard. Le manuel de l’AR636 peut être téléchargé depuis http://www. spektrumrc.com.
  • Page 24 • IMPOSTAZIONI PER IL TRASMETTITORE Trasmettitore computerizzato La ricevente può essere programmata per l’uso in modelli futuri. La riprogrammazione della ricevente cancellerà le (DX6i, DX6, DX7S, DX8, DX9, DX10t e DX18) impostazioni SAFE salvate nella ricevente, convertendola in una ricevente Spektrum standard AR636. Il manuale della Avviare la programmazione del trasmettitore con un modello nuovo (eseguire un reset), poi dare un ricevente AR636 può...
  • Page 25: Technologie Safe

    • SAFE ® TECHNOLOGY FLIGHT MODES • Throttle based climb and descent • Experienced Mode: • Panic Recovery Mode: • Expertenmode: • Panik Rettungsbutton: • SAFE TECHNOLOGIE FLUG MODES • Gas-gesteuerter Steig- und Sinkfl ug • Mode expérimenté: • Mode Panique: •...
  • Page 26 • Panic Recovery Mode: IMPORTANT: If the aircraft is upside down when the Panic • Panik Rettungsbutton: Recovery button/switch is pressed, suffi cient altitude may be • Mode Panique: required for the aircraft to return to upright fl ight. • Modalità Antipanico: WICHTIG: Sollte sich das Flugzeug bei dem aktivieren des Panikschalters in Rückenfl...
  • Page 27 • JOINING THE WING PANELS • ZUSAMMENBAU DER TRAGFLÄCHENHÄLFTEN • JONCTION DES 2 PANNEAUX D’AILE • UNIONE DELLE DUE SEMIALI Beginner Mode Anfängermode Mode Débutant Modalità Principiante (Switch Position 0) (Schalter Position 0) (Inter position 0) Use a covering iron and heat gun to shrink the covering (if (interruttore in posizione 0) necessary) to remove the wrinkles.
  • Page 28 Move the leads for the aileron servos from the slot to the top Locate the plywood wing joiner. The joiner is angled to create dihedral in the wing, and must be installed in the correct of the wing. Tape the leads in position to prevent them from direction.
  • Page 29 Separate the wing panels and remove the wing joiner. Wrap a piece of low-tack tape around the panels roughly 3/8 inch (10mm) from the root rib of the wing panels. This will help prevent Fit the left wing panel into position on the joiner. The wing panels will fi...
  • Page 30 Use a mixing stick to apply epoxy into the joiner pocket of the right wing panel. Again, make sure epoxy has coated all sides of the joiner pocket. Tragen Sie Epoxy mit einem Mischerhölzchen in der Öffnung des Verbinders auf. Arbeiten Sie hier sehr sorgfältig und achten auch auf eine vollständig Verteilung des Klebers in der Tasche.
  • Page 31 Slide the wing panels together on the joiner. Use a paper towel and rubbing alcohol to remove any excess epoxy from the joint between the panels. Check both the top and bottom Use a mixing stick to apply epoxy into the joiner pocket of the Use an epoxy brush to apply epoxy to the exposed wood of the of the wing.
  • Page 32 Use low-tack tape to hold the wing panels together while the Once the epoxy fully cures, remove the tape applied to the wing. Slide the wing mounting bolts through the wing bolt plate epoxy cures. Place tape on both the top and bottom of the from the fl...
  • Page 33 : Do not cut into the underlying wood. NOTICE This will weaken the structure and could cause failure in flight. As an option, use a soldering iron or hot knife with light pressure to carefully melt the covering and avoid the potential of cutting into the wood. : Schneiden Sie nicht in das HINWEIS darunterliegende Holz.
  • Page 34 • ATTACHING THE WING TO THE FUSELAGE • MONTAGE DER TRAGFLÄCHE AM RUMPF • FIXATION DE L’AILE AU FUSELAGE • FISSARE L’ALA ALLA FUSOLIERA Place the wing bolt plate into position. Align the holes in the wing bolt plate with the holes in the wing. Use small clamps Remove the clamps from the wing once the epoxy has cured.
  • Page 35 M4 x 30 Place the scoop on the bottom of the wing, Align the scoop with the fuselage, leaving a slight gap between the rear of the scoop and the fuselage. Use low-tack tape to hold the Slide an M4 washer on each of the M4 x 30 socket head scoop on the bottom of the wing.
  • Page 36 M2 x 10 Use a pin vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit to drill the Use medium grit sandpaper to roughen the edge of the holes in the wing for the scoop mounting screws. Use the fl ange and cross brace that will contact the wing. Use a paper towel and isopropyl alcohol to remove any dirt or oils holes along the edge of the scoop as a guide for drilling Remove the scoop from the bottom of the wing.
  • Page 37: Stabilizer Installation

    • ELEVATOR AND STABILIZER INSTALLATION • MONTAGE DES LEITWERKS • INSTALLATION DU STABILISATEUR • INSTALLAZIONE ELEVATORE E STABILIZZATORE M2 x 10 Lightly sand the elevator joiner wire where it contacts the elevators. Use a paper towel and isopropyl alcohol to remove any oil or debris from the joiner.
  • Page 38 Place the stabilizer into the fuselage. Make sure the stabilizer is position fully forward in the slot before checking its alignment. Note the position of the tape on the stabilizer while fi tting the stabilizer. Setzen Sie das Leitwerk in den Rumpf ein. Achten Sie bitte darauf, dass es vollständig nach vorne geführt ist bevor Sie die Ausrichtung prüfen.
  • Page 39 Stand back from the model 8 to 10 feet (2.5 to 3 meters). Slide the stabilizer from the fuselage so the wood at the center is exposed. Mix 1/2 ounce (15ml) of 30-minute epoxy. Use Center the stabilizer on the fuselage as shown. Align the stabilizer so the distance from the tips of the stabilizer to The stabilizer will align with the wing equally as shown.
  • Page 40 Once the alignment of the stabilizer has been verifi ed, use a paper towel and isopropyl alcohol to remove any excess epoxy from the fuselage and stabilizer. Allow the epoxy to fully cure Use a pin vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit to drill a hole Place a T-pin in the center of each hinge along side the slot Slide the hinges into position with the T-pin resting against before proceeding.
  • Page 41 Check the fi t of both elevators at this time. Once checked, remove the elevators. Use a small strip of the clear packaging material and slide it Prüfen Sie die Passung beider Höhenruder zu diesem between the joiner wire and stabilizer. Make sure the packing Zeitpunkt.
  • Page 42 Do not use CA accelerator when gluing hinges. The CA must be allowed to soak into each hinge to provide the greatest bond between the hinges and surrounding wood. Verwenden Sie keinen Aktivator bei dem Verkleben der Scharniere. Der Sekundenkleber muß in jedes Scharnier und das umgebende Holz eindringen können damit die Verklebung richtig hält.
  • Page 44 Lightly sand the tail wheel gear wire where it will contact the Slide the wheel collar and bracket down, then check the fi t of elevators. Use a paper towel and isopropyl alcohol to remove the wire into the rudder. It will be fl ush with the leading edge of the rudder as shown in the photo.
  • Page 45 Use a pin vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit to drill a hole in the center of each hinge slot to allow the CA to wick into the hinge. Drill holes in both the rudder and fi n (fuselage) After the epoxy has fully cured, check that the bracket can surfaces at this time.
  • Page 46 Fit the rudder into position on the fi n (fuselage). The leading Check the alignment of the rudder in relationship to the fi n edge of the rudder will fi t tightly against the fi n. Remove the at the tip. They should align as shown in the above photo. T-pins from the hinges at this time.
  • Page 47 Gently pull on the fi xed and moving surface to make sure Align the tail wheel bracket so the holes are in line with the the hinges are glued securely. If not, reapply thin CA to any fuselage centerline. Use a pin vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit to drill the two mounting holes in the fuselage using hinges that are found loose.
  • Page 48 M3 x 3 Rotate the bracket away from the fuselage so the holes can be easily accessed. Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to thread a Secure the tail wheel bracket to the bottom of the fuselage screw into each of the holes drilled in the bottom of the fuselage. Remove the screws, then apply a few drops of thin CA into using the screws listed and a #1 Phillips screwdriver.
  • Page 49 • MAIN LANDING GEAR INSTALLATION•EINBAU DES HAUPTFAHRWERKS • INSTALLATION DES JAMBES DU TRAIN D’ATTERRISSAGE • INSTALLAZIONE DEL CARRELLO PRINCIPALE M3 x 3 Slide the wheel collar against the tail wheel bracket. Thread M3 x 12 the setscrew into position and tighten it using the included 1.5mm hex wrench.
  • Page 50 M3 x 8 M3 x 12 Secure the landing gear to the wing using the nylon landing Fit the gear door back against the landing gear wire. Slide Slide an M3 washer onto one of the M3 x 8 machine screws, gear straps and M3 x 12 self-tapping screws.
  • Page 51 • PROPELLER AND SPINNER INSTALLATION • MONTAGE DES SPINNERS UND DES PROPELLERS • INSTALLATION DU CÔNE ET DE L’HÉLICE • INSTALLAZIONE DELL’ELICA E DELL’OGIVA Slide the spinner back plate onto the engine shaft. Schieben Sie Spinnerrückplatte auf die Motorwelle. Thread the M3 nut onto the screw, and lightly tighten the Glissez le fl...
  • Page 52 M2.6 x 15 Slide the propeller on the engine shaft. Center the propeller Slide the propeller washer and thread the propeller nut onto the engine shaft. Use a 7/16-inch box wrench to tighten the on the raised section of the back plate. The groove in the propeller nut.
  • Page 54 • TRIMMING • TRIMMUNG • CORRECTIONS AUX TRIMS • TRIMMAGGIO IMPORTANT: Only trim this aircraft in Precision Flight Mode. WICHTIG: Trimmen Sie das Flugzeug nur im Präzisions-Flugmode. IMPORTANT: Effectuez le réglage des trims uniquement en Mode Précision. IMPORTANTE: Trimmare questo aereo With the radio system on, make sure the elevator stick and Once the position of the elevator has been adjusted, slide the solo quando si trova in modalità...
  • Page 55 • TRANSMITTER MODES •Mode 2 • SENDERMODES • MODES DE L’ÉMETTEUR Elevator Trim Throttle Trim • MODI DEL TRASMETTITORE Höhenrudertrimmung Gastrimmung The most common modes for the transmitter are Mode 1 and Mode 2. The following images show these modes, and the Trim de profondeur Trim des gaz controls that are associated with the stick movements of your transmitter.
  • Page 56 • CHECKING CONTROL THROW OPERATION •Down Elevator•Höhenruder nach unten•Descente•Elevatore in basso • PRÜFEN DER RUDERFUNKTIONEN • CONTRÔLE DES DÉBATTEMENTS DES GOUVERNES • CONTROLLARE IL FUNZIONAMENTO DELLE CORSE DEI COMANDI When checking the control operation of your model, make sure you have the leads plugged into the correct ports of the receiver.
  • Page 57 •Left Aileron•Querruder links•Ailerons à gauche•Alettoni a sinistra •Left Rudder•Seitenruder links•Dérive à gauche•Timone a sinistra Check the aileron throw using the radio system. Moving the control stick left will raise the left aileron and lower the right Check the rudder throw using the radio system. Moving the control stick left will defl ect the rudder to the left. aileron.
  • Page 58 • SAFE CONTROL DIRECTION TEST The SAFE system will not activate until the throttle stick or Before performing the direction test, attach the trim is increased for the fi rst time after the fl ight battery is wing to the fuselage. Place the model upright on its •...
  • Page 59 • ENGINE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS • MOTOR BETRIEBSANLEITUNG Adjust the length of the throttle linkage until the throttle is • FONCTIONNEMENT DU MOTEUR open 1mm. • ISTRUZIONI PER IL FUNZIONAMENTO Stellen Sie die Länge des Gasgestänges so ein, dass der Aircraft Movement SAFE Reaction DEL MOTORE Vergaserschieber 1 mm geöffnet ist.
  • Page 60 • FUEL SELECTION We have tested Valvoline, Shell, and RedLine brand oils. • STARTING AND RUNNING THE ENGINE Other quality 2-stroke oils should work as well. Do not use • KRAFTSTOFFAUSWAHL • STARTEN UND BETRIEB DES MOTORS Push the starter fi rmly against the nose cone and engage. Amsoil synthetic oil in any form.
  • Page 61: Réglages De Base Des Pointeaux

    • BASELINE NEEDLE VALVE SETTINGS Tip : The O-ring seal on both needle valves is very tight and B. Check to make that fuel is moving through the carburetor system. it can make the fi rst adjustments of your engine settings (IF REQUIRED) Disconnect your throttle arm from the throttle pushrod.
  • Page 62: Wenn Der Motor Nicht Anspringt

    • TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE • FEHLERSUCHLEITFADEN While holding the throttle arm turn the low speed needle Reconnect your throttle pushrod to the throttle control arm. Turn the high speed needle valve counterclockwise 2 full • GUIDE DE DÉPANNAGE clockwise until you feel it trying to force the throttle arm to turns.
  • Page 63 • MECHANICAL FAULTS - FLOODING • MECHANISCHE FEHLER -MOTOR ABGESOFFEN Replace the spark plug and try starting again. Visually examine the piston and cylinder to fi nd the possible Start the engine and run it until the fuel is completely run •...
  • Page 64: Center Of Gravity

    • CENTER OF GRAVITY • DER SCHWERPUNKT • CENTRE DE GRAVITÉ • CENTRO DI GRAVITÀ (BARICENTRO) An important part of preparing the aircraft for fl ight is Ein sehr wichtiger Teil in der Flugvorbereitung ist es das Une des étapes importantes de la préparation d’un modèle Un punto importante per preparare l’aereo al volo è...
  • Page 65: Preflight Checklist

    • PREFLIGHT CHECKLIST • VORFLUGKONTROLLE • CHECKLIST D’AVANT VOL • LISTA DEI CONTROLLI PRIMA DEL VOLO • Charge the transmitter, receiver and motor battery for • Laden Sie den Sender,Empfänger- und Zündakku für • Chargez la batterie de votre émetteur, de réception •...
  • Page 66: Daily Flight Checks

    • DAILY FLIGHT CHECKS • TÄGLICHER FLUG CHECK • CONTRÔLES SYSTÉMATIQUES • CONTROLLI DI VOLO GIORNALIERI • Check the battery voltage of the transmitter battery. Do • Überprüfen Sie die Spannung des Senderakkus. Fliegen • Contrôlez la tension de la batterie de l’émetteur. Ne volez •...
  • Page 67: Academy Of Model Aeronautics National Model Aircraft Safety Code

    • ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS NATIONAL MODEL AIRCRAFT SAFETY CODE Effective January 1, 2014 EXCEPTIONS: 3. At all fl ying sites a safety line(s) must be established in C. FREE FLIGHT front of which all fl ying takes place. (AMA Document #706.) A.
  • Page 68 • LIMITED WARRANTY What this Warranty Covers Limitation of Liability Inspection or Services Non-Warranty Service HORIZON SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, If this Product needs to be inspected or serviced and is Should your service not be covered by warranty, Horizon Hobby, LLC, (Horizon) warrants to the original purchaser that the product purchased (the “Product”) will be INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF...
  • Page 69: Contact Information

    • CONTACT INFORMATION Country of Horizon Hobby Contact Information Address Purchase Horizon Service Center servicecenter.horizonhobby.com/RequestForm/ (Repairs and Repair Requests) Horizon Product Support www.quickbase.com/db/bghj7ey8c?a=GenNewRecord United States 4105 Fieldstone Rd of America (Product Technical Assistance) 888-959-2305 Champaign, Illinois, 61822 USA sales@horizonhobby.com Sales 888-959-2305 Service/Parts/Sales: sales@horizonhobby.co.uk...
  • Page 70: Garantie Und Service Informationen

    • GARANTIE UND SERVICE INFORMATIONEN Warnung Sicherheitshinweise (c) Ansprüche des Käufers ¬ Es liegt ausschließlich Packen Sie das Produkt sorgfältig ein. Beachten Sie, im Ermessen von Horizon, ob das Produkt, bei dem ein dass der Originalkarton in der Regel nicht ausreicht, um Ein ferngesteuertes Modell ist kein Spielzeug.
  • Page 71: Garantie Und Service Kontaktinformationen

    • GARANTIE UND SERVICE KONTAKTINFORMATIONEN Land des Kauf Horizon Hobby Telefon / E-mail adresse Adresse Horizon Technischer Service service@horizonhobby.de Christian-Junge-Straße 1 Deutschland Sales: Horizon Hobby GmbH +49 (0) 4121 2655 100 25337 Elmshorn, Deutschland • RECHTLICHE INFORMATIONEN FÜR DIE EUROPÄISCHE UNION EU Konformitätserklärung Entsorgung von Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräten in der Europäischen Union...
  • Page 72: Garantie Et Réparations

    • GARANTIE ET RÉPARATIONS Durée de la garantie Questions, assistance et réparations ATTENTION: nous n’effectuons de réparations La garantie ne couvre pas les dégâts résultant d’un montage ou d’une manipulation erronés, d’accidents ou encore du payantes que pour les composants électroniques Votre revendeur spécialisé...
  • Page 73: Informations De Contact

    • INFORMATIONS DE CONTACT Pays d’achat Horizon Hobby Téléphone / Adresse e-mail Adresse Service/Parts/Sales: infofrance@horizonhobby.com 11 Rue Georges Charpak France Horizon Hobby SAS 77127 Lieusaint, France +33 (0) 1 60 18 34 90 • INFORMATION IC • INFORMATIONS DE CONFORMITÉ POUR L’UNION EUROPÉENNE Déclaration de conformité...
  • Page 74 • GARANZIA Periodo di garanzia Limiti di danno Manutenzione e riparazione La garanzia esclusiva - Horizon Hobby, LLC., (Horizon) Horizon non si riterrà responsabile per danni speciali, Se il prodotto deve essere ispezionato o riparato, si prega di garantisce che i prodotti acquistati (il “Prodotto”) sono diretti, indiretti o consequenziali;...
  • Page 75 • INFORMAZIONI PER I CONTATTI Stato in cui il prodotto Horizon Hobby Telefono / Indirizzo e-mail Indirizzo è stato acquistato Horizon Technischer Service service@horizonhobby.de Christian-Junge-Straße 1 Germania Sales: Horizon Hobby GmbH +49 (0) 4121 2655 100 25337 Elmshorn, Germania • INFORMAZIONI SULLA CONFORMITÀ PER L’UNIONE EUROPEA Dichiarazione di Conformità...
  • Page 76 © 2015 Horizon Hobby, LLC. Hangar 9, SAFE, the SAFE logo, Bind-N-Fly, the BNF logo, DSM, DSM2, DSMX, AS3X, Evolution, PowerPro and the Horizon Hobby logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Horizon Hobby, LLC. The Spektrum trademark is used with permission of Bachmann Industries, Inc.

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