Record a voice message:
1 = Record voice msg. no. 1 (short msg.)
2 = Record voice msg. no. 2 (short msg.) 4 s
3 = Record voice msg. no. 3 (short msg.) 4 s
4 = Record voice msg. no. 4 (short msg.) 4 s
5 = Record voice msg. no. 5 (short msg.) 4 s
Number of long voice messages:
6 = Record voice msg. no. 6 (long msg.) 40 s
7 = Record voice msg. no. 7 (long msg.) -
8 = Record voice msg. no. 8 (long msg.) -
9 = Record voice msg. no. 9 (long msg.) -
Voice messages can either be short messages or long messages. There are 5
short messages (Message no. 1 to message no. 5), limited to a maximum of 4
seconds each. Message no. 6 is the first long message. The number of long
messages and their maximum recording time may be set via configuration step
code 50.
Upon entering configuration step code 51 and the respective number of the
message to be recorded, the device will produce a beep and start recording.
After the maximum amount of time for this message has elapsed, the device
will automatically stop recording. You may also stop the recording process
manually by pressing the # key. Doing so will result in a high-pitched tone to be
heard until the maximum recording time for this message has elapsed because
the remainder of the voice message needs to be erased.
Please note: You may only record the long messages no.7; 8 and 9 after you
have previously set a corresponding amount of long messages via configura-
tion step code 50.
Commissioning with analogue basic electronics
4 s
20 s
20 s
Special needs Manual
15 s
10 s
15 s
10 s
10 s
10 s
10 s