Error messages
Code LO
Code Ab
Code SE
The CDF can display a number of Error Messages to help finding a fault.
This topic explains the messages in the display and what the problem might be.
The Code LO displays LOSS
The connection to the Remote Panel is lost.
When the connection is reestablished the error message can be cleared by pressing OK.
The Code Ab with the value t indicates that the ambient temperature is out of range.
This alarm cannot be dismissed by pressing OK, but will automatically return to Standard View
when the temperature is within range again.
The Code Ab with the value rh indicates that the relative humidity is out of range.
This alarm cannot be dismissed by pressing OK, but will automatically return to Standard View
when the relative humidity is within range again.
The Code SE with the value nS indicates a sensor fault and will cause the unit to stop.
Press either Up or Down to determine which sensor is faulty. The faulty sensor can be:
Condensor sensor Cond
Evaporator sensor EVAP
Humidity sensor rh°t
The fault can only be dismissed by the unlock sequence initialized by pressing OK.
If no button is pressed for 10 seconds it will return to SEnS