e) The First Landing
As with the start, the landing must always take place against the wind.
Reduce the motor performance and fly in big flat circles. Do not pull too hard on the elevator in order to be able to
reduce the flying altitude selectively. Select the last curve before the approach for a landing so that in case of an
emergency you would have sufficient room for landing and so that you would not have to effect considerable corrections
to the course during the approach for a landing.
When the model is flying on the planned landing line, reduce the motor performance further and hold it horizontally
with the elevator. Now the model must loose height further and must fly towards the planned touch-down point at the
end of the imaginary landing line.
In this critical flying phase, ensure sufficient flying speed and do not slow down the model reducing the motor speed
too much or by pulling too hard at the elevator.
It is only shortly before the touch-down that you should stop the motor and land the model with fully drawn elevator.
After the landing, you can re-adjust, if necessary, the linkages for the rudder and the elevator so that the model flies in
a straight line and that the trim lever at the transmitter is in the center position again.