Mounting the knife in the jig
1. Unscrew the tightening knob
(counterclockwise), and the
small adjusting screw if needed,
so that the blade of the knife fits
in the clamp.
3. Adjust the jig with the small
adjusting screw to fit the thick-
ness of the knife.
2. Put your knife blade in the jaws of the clamp, as far in as possible
(minimum 2 mm). The clamp is usually attached on the center of the
blade. Attach the knife in the jig so that the distance from the clamp
to the knife's edge is the same at both of the outer edges of the
clamp (distance a).
Tip For knives with an extreme bend towards
the tip of the blade (e.g. skinning knives), you
can benefit from attaching the jig at the tip of the
blade, with the same principles as above. This
makes it easier to trace the shapes of the blade
and achieve an even bevel.
4. Tighten the knob.
5. Make sure the blade is firmly
mounted and enclosed before
you start sharpening.