Swimming increases the rate of body heat loss. In cold water,
drown-proofing methods that require putting your head in the
water are not recommended. keep your head out of the water. This
will greatly lessen heat loss and increase your survival time.
Figure 33
HelP Position
eaCH of tHese DeViCes is intenDeD to
HelP YoU saVe YoUR oWn life
For your Inflatable PFD to function properly, follow these suggestions
to verify that it fits, floats, and remains in good condition.
1) Check the single point status indicator before each use.
2) get in the habit of re-arming the inflation mechanism right after
each inflation.
3) Try your wearable Inflatable PFD on and adjust it until it fits
comfortably in and out of the water.
4) Mark your Inflatable PFD with your name if you are the only wearer.
5) Do not alter your Inflatable PFD. If it doesn't fit properly, get one that
does. An altered device is no longer Transport Canada approved.
6) Your Inflatable PFD is not intended for use as a fender or kneeling
7) If your Inflatable PFD is wet, allow it to dry thoroughly before
storing it. Store it in a well-ventilated area.
8) Do not dry your Inflatable PFD in front of a radiator or other
source of direct heat.
3) use the standard H.e.l.P. position when
wearing an Inflatable PFD, drawing the
legs up to a seated position, because
doing so will help you conserve body
heat (Fig. 33).
4) keep a positive attitude about your
survival and rescue. This will improve
your chances of extending your survival
time until rescued. Your will-to-live does
make a difference!
5) If there is more than one person in the
water, huddling is recommended while
waiting to be rescued. This action tends
to reduce the rate of heat loss and thus
increase the survival time.