inflatable PfDs
Inflatable PFDs are special devices in that the flotation of the wearer
is not derived from inherently buoyant materials. In order for them
to do their job, you, the wearer, must do yours! This means you have
the responsibility to ensure you are familiar with the operation and
maintenance requirements of your inflatable PFD! You must also
be aware of the limitations of the device and know that it is not
approved under the Small Vessel Regulations for certain boating
ReaD YoUR oWneR's ManUal anD tHe
infoRMation labels on YoUR PfD! it CoUlD saVe
YoUR life!
This inflatable PFD is approved by Transport Canada for use as a Type
II (MD3153 & MD3154) Personal Flotation Device (PFD). It is not
approved for water skiing or other high impact, high speed activities.
This inflatable PFD was designed to be more comfortable and less
restrictive to wear than inherently buoyant PFDs. When worn, used,
and serviced according to this owner's manual, this PFD can greatly
increase your chances of survival in the water. not recommended for
non-swimmers or weak swimmers. users of inflatable PFDs must be at
least 16 years old.
The MD3154 has a built-in sailing harness that can cause injury
if not properly used. When worn, used, and serviced according to
this owner's manual, these PFDs can greatly increase your chances
of survival in the water. They should always be fitted with the
appropriate, unpunctured, and fully functional inflation cartridge,
or be worn fully inflated. noT for white water paddling or personal
watercraft use. PFDs fitted with an automatic inflator are not
permitted for sailboarding activities. In order to meet the equipment
carriage requirements of the small vessel regulations, these PFDs must
be worn by an adult, in the case of an open boat or on deck or in the
cockpit in any other type of boat, or readily available to any other
adult occupant while below deck.
A separate section titled "SAIlIng HARneSS" (see Sailing Harness,
p. 16) discusses requirements and features on the MD3154 only.
Transport Canada approval does not apply to the sailing harness
because some of the risks associated with its use have not been