inflatable PfD safetY aCCessoRies
MA7214 Re-arm kit contains 33-gram replacement Co 2 cylinder
aDDitional infoRMation
If you need more information about PFDs and safe recreational
boating, contact your provincial boating authority, Transport Canada
– office of Boating Safety, the Canadian Coast guard (CCg), CCg
Auxiliary, or the Canadian Red Cross.
Do not attaCH PfD's to YoUR boat
each PFD has straps, hooks, buckles, or other means for securing the
device in place on the wearer. Some PFDs also incorporate decorative
d-rings or tabs. Such items are not to be used to attach the device
to the boat. Attaching the device to the boat will not permit it to
perform as intended.
note: Model MD3154 has a built-in sailing harnesses
intended for attaching to boats with quick-release
under-load tethers secured to both d-rings (see sailing
Harness, p. 16). Do not attach the MD3154 to boats
using any other means.
aiRline oPeRatoR PoliCY on
CaRRiage of inflatable PfDs anD Co 2
Please be aware that regulations may apply to the air transport of
this product. With the approval of the aircraft operator, carbon dioxide
cylinder(s) may be carried by a passenger or crew in checked or carry-
on baggage. Please consult airline operator policy.