– Configuration of the Wi-Fi Clocks
The configuration of the Wi-Fi clocks can be done manually by accessing the embedded Web
Server of each clock or automatically by using Bodet Detect on a laptop or Bodet Detect Mobile for
Androïd smartphone. Refer to the Bodet Detect et Bodet Detect Mobile manuals for an automatic
Manual Configuration
Accessing the imbedded Web server of the Wi-Fi clock to set its parameters is done as follow.
- Apply the power to the clock.
- Comming out of the factory the clock behaves as an Access Point (AP).and its IP address is
Example: Style II 5 Wi-Fi (MAC address = 30:ae:a4:c7:78:8c)
- Display the list of the Wi-Fi clocks on your PC, the Style 5 clock appears on the list
2.1. Click on this AP
1-Once connected to the the Access Point of the clock start you web browser (Google Chrome) and
enter the IP address
2- The following message is displayed on the PC
screen (example with Google Chrome)
Click on «Advanced parameters».
2.2. Click on
« Connect »
2.3. The PC is connected
to the clock which is on
the Open mode
(not secured)