Operation - Additional Instructions for LCB2500/2 only
Saving Results (LCB2500/2 only)
After a test, the result is displayed on the screen and
this may be saved with additional information. A circuit
number (1-99) may be assigned, and when moving site
or building, circuits may be grouped using the
distribution board feature. In this way, when
downloading to PC software such as AVO
PowerSuite™, PowerSuite™ XPress or NICEone™, the
results can be easily split into different test schedules.
When the results are displayed or printed, a change in
the distribution board is indicated.
Changing Distribution Boards (DB)
Before a test, the Distribution Board number may be
changed, as follows:
1. Move the rotary selector switch to the RCL position.
The code rcl is displayed.
2. Press the ENTER key. The currently selected DB
code is displayed, e.g. d01. If no DB number has
yet been entered, the code is d--. This occurs with
a new instrument, or if the results memory has been
3. The DB may be changed using the UP and DOWN
buttons to display the required number.
It is necessary to be cautious with DB numbers
because all results associated with a given Distribution
Board share a common reference result for deriving the
R1+R2 values. (See page 13, 'Automatic Derivation of
R1+R2 Values'). Therefore, a warning is given upon
selection of a DB number which has already been
'used' - i.e. has results already saved to it in the
memory. The DB number flashes, along with the
triangle symbol, and the beeper sounds If the selected
DB already has an associated reference result, the
warning is slightly different, with a flashing 'Zd'
There is no reason why the same DB number cannot be
entered many times while working on the same system,
but it would be advisable to use a different set of DB
numbers for each new installation.
4. To accept and save the Distribution Board number,
press the SAVE button. To abort, press the EXIT
5. When the number is saved, the code Std is
displayed and a long bleep sounds. This confirms
that the data has been stored.
Testing may now continue with all subsequent results
which are stored being associated with the new
distribution board number.