Easy operation
Setting of mounting parameters
Once the mounting parameters like:
heating time, force and cool ing time are
set, insert the sample and resin, put
on the top closure and press the start
but ton. Your mounts will be fi n ished in
extremely short time.
Energy saving
New highly effective mounting units
Innovative design has merged the
heat ing/cooling coils and the mount ing
cyl in der into one com pact and light-
weight unit. This al lows for a very rap id
heat trans fer and thus for a very fast
heating and cooling. The power con-
sump tion of the heat ing unit could be
reduced to 750 W while the ef fi cien cy
com pared to con ven tion al press es could
be in creased by about 100 %. This
means that only half the en er gy is suf-
fi cient to heat up the mount ing unit in a
far short er time as a con ven tion al press
could do.
Two heating levels
It is possible to set the tem per a ture to
two different levels. For mount ing of heat
sensitive sam ples it can be set to 150
°C where as all nor mal sam ples should
be mount ed at 180 °C to pro duce fast
Different mount sizes -
easy exchange
Up to 50 mm mounts
Due to the use of quick couplings for the
water supply and a plug for the elec tri cal
connection, the com plete mount ing unit
is exchanged in sec onds. Six different
cyl in der di am e ters ranging from 25-50
mm and 1¼" - 1½" are avail a ble mak ing
LaboPress-3 suit a ble for all possible ap-
pli ca tions.
Intermediate ram
By using an optional intermediate ram,
the capacity of the press can be dou bled
as two mounts can be produced at the
same time.
New top closure
The new top closure, specially deve loped
for the new series of press es, com bines
the advantages of both bay o net and
threaded clo sure.
Fully automatic
mounting press for
hot mounting of
all materials.
Equipped with low
energy consuming
mounting unit
Heating/cooling curve
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time [min]
Conventional press