Roasting And Cooking - Unold 68817 Notice D'utilisation

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with a fork. Fasten the duck on the
rotary spit and hang in the oven. Grill
about 2.5 hours at 230 °C with top heat.
When it is finished cooking, switch off
the oven but leave the duck in the oven
to keep it warm. Remove the pan juices
from the drip pan and bring to a boil with
the wine. Blend the corn starch with the


Meat loaf
Preparation time: 75 minutes
Ingredients: 500 g ground beef and
pork, 150 g chopped pork liver, 1 day-
old roll, 1 onion, 2 cloves garlic, 1 egg,
1 tsp salt, 3 pinches nutmeg, 3 pinches
pepper, 150 g lean bacon, thinly sliced,
1 tsp paprika powder, 1 tsp mustard,
1 TBSP fine bread crumbs
Preparation: Soak the roll in water. Peel
the onions and garlic and chop very fine.
Knead together the squeezed out roll,
the onions, ground meat, chopped liver,
egg, salt, mustard and spices with the
bread crumbs. Form the mass into a long
loaf and place in an ovenproof dish and
cover with the sliced bacon. Place the
dish with the meat loaf on the grate at
the second level from the bottom and
bake at 180°C with top and bottom heat
for about 50 minutes; it may be neces-
sary to reduce the heat to 160 °C after
about 30 minutes.
Leg of lamb
Marinating time: 6 hours
Preparation time: 60–80 minutes
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water and stir in to thicken the gravy.
Season to taste. Remove the duck from
the spit, carve and serve with the gravy.
TIP: Serve this festive roast with red
cabbage with apples and potato dump-
lings or bread dumplings. If you prefer a
lean roast, substitute a young turkey for
the duck.
Ingredients: 1.5 kg leg of lamb with
bones, 3 cloves garlic, 3 onions, 1/4 l
hot meat broth, 1/8 l dry white wine, 1
tsp corn starch
For the marinade: 70 g tomato paste,
1 TBSP flour, 1 tsp salt, 2 TBSP lemon
juice, 1 tsp dried rosemary, ¼ tsp cara-
way seed, ¼ tsp pepper
Preparation: Cut a shallow cross shape
into the leg of lamb and use a sharp
knife to make small incisions for spiking
with the peeled and sliced garlic. Com-
bine the tomato paste with the flour,
salt, lemon juice, rosemary, caraway
seed and pepper. Spread this mixture
on the leg of lamb and marinate in the
refrigerator for 6 hours. Place the leg of
lamb in an ovenproof dish at the bottom
level in the oven. Cover the roast with
onion rings. Roast about 150-180 min-
utes at 180°C with top and bottom heat.
When the onions are brown, move them
to the bottom of the pan and add some
meat broth. Gradually pour the remain-
ing meat broth and the wine over the leg
of lamb and turn it after about 2/3 of


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