A drainage system must be installed in the floor at the lowest point of the equipment room to drain away
water that could be introduced in the event of failure of, or leakage from, a component of the hydraulic
system. This system must be capable of draining away the water in a reasonable amount of time given the
type of equipment installed in the room.
When starting up the filter for the first time, observe the direction in which the water is flowing: in the
"Filtration" position, water should pass though the filter from the top to the bottom. If the pipes were inverted
during assembly, or if the multiport valve is defective, water could cross the filter from the bottom to the
top. This would rapidly damage both the tank and the laterals. The following indicate inverted assembly:
a low pressure reading on the pressure gauge.
a flow rate that drops rapidly even after back washing the filter even though the pre-filter basket is clean.
persistently cloudy pool water.
Filter run times
The filtration run time corresponds to the theoretical time taken for all the pool water to pass through the
filter. In family pools, the recommended run time is 6 hours minimum.
We recommend the following as a function of water temperature:
below 14° C: 5 to 6 hours per day.
from 15° to 23° C: 6 to 8 hours per day.
above 23° C: 10 to 12 hours per day.
The filter run time should be increased with increasing temperature and/or with increasing bather load.
To optimise filtration, run the filter only during the day (between 8 am and 9 pm), and generally while the
pool is in use. (One swimmer pollutes 3m3 of water).
Backwashing the filter
Before using the filter for the first time, carry out a backwash to clean it and remove any excess sand or
After backwashing the filter, change the valve position to filtration and switch the pump on. The black hand
on the pressure gauge will indicate the filter's nominal pressure. This pressure varies depending on the
pump flow rate, static pressure and pressure drops across the piping.
To preserve a record of this nominal pressure, turn the dial of the pressure gauge until the blue hand is
aligned with the black one.
After a certain time, a drop in the flow rate may be noted at the return fittings. This is caused by the gradual
build up of impurities in the filter or the pump pre-filter basket.
4.1.1 Filter pressure is below the pressure indicated by the blue hand
Clean the pre-filter basket and the skimmers:
Stop the pump,
Put the 6-way multiport valve to «CLOSED»,
Close the suction valves A, B, C, D (skimmers, main drain) and the return fitting valve E,
Open the pre-filter and take out the basket,
Using a jet of water remove any debris,
Put the basket back,
Replace the lid of the pre-ilter making sure that the seal is correctly positioned and that there is enough
water to prime the pump,
2021/01 - Indice de révision : I - Code : 26690