Important! Pay attention to the polarity as
marked on the battery holder terminals.
As your device has continuously controllable
lighting (dimmer) optimal illumination of the
object to be viewed is guaranteed.
3. Colour filter disc
The colour filter under the microscope
table (Fig. 1, 19) aids in viewing very bright
and transparent objects. Just select the
right colour for the specimen in question.
The components of colourless/transparent
objects (e.g. starch particles, single-cell
-specimens) can thus be better recognised.
4. Microscope setup
6) will now be prepared for the first
First, loosen the screw (Fig. 1, 26) and rotate
the eyepiece into a convenient position.
Begin every observation with the lowest
Place the microscope's table (Fig. 1, 8) with the
focus knob (Fig 1, 9) into the lowest position
and rotate the objective revolver (Fig. 1, 7) until
it locks on the lowest magnification (4x).
First, drive the Microscope's
table (Fig. 1, 8) to its lowest
position before changing the
objective in order to prevent
Insert the 5x eyepiece (Fig. 3, 1) in the Barlow
lens (Fig. 3, 3).
Take care, that the Barlow lens is inserted
completely in the monocular head (Fig. 3, 5).
5. Observation
After you have set up the microscope with
the corresponding illumination, the following
principles are important:
Begin each observation with a simple
observation at lowest magnification, so that
the centre and position of the object to be
viewed is in focus.
The higher the magnification the more light is
required for good picture quality.
Place a permanent slide culture (Fig. 4, 15)
directly under the microscope lens on the plate
(Fig. 4, 8).
Look through the eyepiece (Fig. 1, 1/2) and
turn carefully the focusing wheel (Fig. 1, 9)
until you can see a sharp picture.
Now you can get a higher magnification, while
you pull out slowly the Barlow lens (Fig. 5,
3) of the monoculare barrel (Fig. 5, 5). With
the nearly entirely pulled out Barlow lens the
magnification is raised to 2x.
For still higher magnification you can put the
16x eyepiece (Fig. 2, 2) into the objective
revolver (Fig. 1, 7) and set on higher position
(10x / 40x).
Depending on the preparation
not always lead to better
With changing magnification (eyepiece or
objective lens changes, pulling out of the
Barlow lens) the sharpness of the image must
be newly defined by turning the focusing
wheel (Fig. 1, 9).
Please be very careful when
doing this. When you move
the mechanical plate upwards
too fast the objective lens
and the slide can touch and
become damaged.