For system management is available also a user menu. To access the user menu, it is sufficient just to
enter one of the programmed user codes (default 000001) and press the ENTER key.
Below is a description of the option in this menu:
• Reset Alarms: allows you to stop any current alarms and erase any memories;
• Sensors status: allows you to view the real-time status of the sensors. Also, pressing the button
ENTER, you can perform the operation of exclusion and inclusion of sensors. Conversely to the sensors
excluded during insertion (either manually or automatically) that are included at the next time the
system is disarmed, the sensors excluded from this menu remain excluded until they are included again
manually from the same menu.
• Change PIN: Allows you to change your PIN.
• Audio Volume: allows you to change the volume of the keyboard.
• Internal Buzzer: allows you to enable and disable the internal buzzer used as acoustic signaling in
case of a system alarm. In factory default, the internal buzzer is enabled.
• Prog. Thermostat: present only if this function is enabled, it allows to switch to the active model.
• Event Log: List of recent events that have occurred in the system. Pressing the ENTER key, it is possible
to have more details about the event.
• Enable Mainten.: In this menu you can enable or disable the possibility for the installer to enter the
technical menu and then to change the programming.
• Test Call: from this option you can activate a test call to verify the proper operation of communicator
• Phone book: allows you to edit phone numbers.
• Time and Date: Allows you to update the date and time for the system.
• Manage remotes: allows you to enable and disable the remote controls programmed into the
• Manage Tags: this function allows to enable and disable the keys on the system.
• WLS alarm LED: in this menu you can enable the alarm signalling LED on wireless devices. If enabled,
the LED lights up every time the sensor is violated.
This allows the user to verify proper operation at any time of all sensors, signalling via the LEDs is
automatically disabled after 10 minutes.
• Fault Status: displays the list of faults in progress.
• GSM Status: This submenu shows information related to GSM. It can be display the operator, the
signal level, the remaining credit (if enabled the credit check) and Micro SIM expiration (if enabled the
deadline control). The control panel periodically checks the remaining balance of the micro SIM. You
can still force a request to update the value of the remaining credit by pressing the ENTER key from the
sub-menu of remaining credit display. The value of the update may take a few tens of seconds. The
value of SIM Micro deadline is automatically updated each time the micro SIM is recharged.
In case the credit check is disabled, you can postpone the expiration date of micro SIM by pressing
the ENTER button from the sub menu of the expiration date display menu.
• Stop Call: allows you to stop any actions of the communicator
The date and time of the system can be modified by the user at any time. To perform this operation the
user must enter the PIN, access the main menu and follow the steps below:
• move to "Date & Time" using the ARROW UP / DOWN
• in "Date and Time", press ENTER to enter the sub programming menu in which it is shown the time and
date currently in use.
• Press ENTER again to start editing the value. At this point the value Hour starts blinking.
Use the ARROW UP / DOWN to update the value. Once you reach the desired value, press ENTER again
to confirm and move to editing the minutes. Continue in this way also to change the day, month and
year. Instead, press the ESC key to cancel the edit.
NOTE: The date and time of the system is not maintained in system not powered. After a loss of Power
is therefore necessary to set it again.