Panel's Language - Ksenia lares wls 96-IP Manuel D'installation

Ip wireless platforme de sécurité et de domotique
Table des Matières


Les langues disponibles

Les langues disponibles

In this section you can configure general options of the control panel. It is divided into three subsec-
1. General Options
NOTE: refer to the full menu shown on p. 43 "General Options"
In this section control parameters of the SIM are configurable. The following configurations are avail-
• Credit Check: allows you to enable periodic monitoring of SIM credit. When this option is enabled
the panel will generate a fault if the SIM credit goes below the set threshold. The credit check can be
enabled for listed operators list.
NOTE: for proper functioning, please select the same operator of the SIM
• Threshold: credit threshold below which it is generated the event of credit not sufficient.
• Check expiration: enables or disables the SIM expiry control.
• Expiration Date: This parameter, available only if enabled in the control of expiration date, indicates
the programmed expiration date. The control panel generates a fault 7 days before thisdate
• APN: SIM operator APN. Required to enable data traffic.
• Username: APN username (not always necessary)
• Password: APN password (not always necessary)
In this section we configure the time zone and daylight saving time management.
In this section you can enable the thermostat. Its configuration is done from the user app user for
mobile devices.


In this section it is possible to program the central language
2. SIA Options
In this section IP SIA receivers with SIA-DC09 are configured.
The programmable parameters of SIAIP DC09 communicator are described below.
Enabled: Select this option to enable the communicator SIA DC09
Enable Eth/GPRS Supervision: By selecting this option, in case of availability of both Ethernet con-
nection and GPRS, supervisory packets are sent to the receiver using alternately both the available
communication channels.
Transmit over TCP: Selecting this option, it sets the use of TCP instead of UDP protocol to send signals
Use Timestamp: If selected, this option sets the presence of information related to date and hour in
data packet.
Communication timeout: period in seconds necessary to receive confirmation of the alert sent to the
receiver before the panel will make a further attempt (default 5, maximum 60)
Ethernet port: Local port on which is listening the control panel when the message is sent via Ethernet
GPRS port: Local port on which is listening the control panel when the message is sent via GPRS.
Ethernet supervision interval: Time interval in seconds between a supervisory package and the other
via the Ethernet channel
GPRS supervision interval: The time interval in seconds between a supervisory package and the other
via the GPRS channel.


Table des Matières

Table des Matières