In this section you can add new wls modules (auxi wls) or modify the configuration of those which are
already part of the System. The programmable parameters are the following:
Description: name associated to the device.
Serial Number: each wireless device has a serial number that can be used to identify it. Two devices
of the same type will never have the same serial number. Each module has 2 outputs with the same
programmable parameters.
Type: the output can assume one of the following values:
• Non Used: Output disabled
• Alarm: this output type will be enabled every time an Alarm will be generated.
• Fault: this output will be enabled every time there is a fault in progress.
• Status: this output will be enabled when arming any Partition and will be disabled only when all
Partitions will be disarmed.
• Bistable: output to enable or disable when associated to a Scenario
• Heating: output enabled from Thermostat in winter mode
• Cooling: output enabled from Thermostat in summer mode
• Monostable: output to be enabled by the association with a Scenario. The output remains enabled
for the duration of the time ON
ON Time: period of activation of a monostable output. This value of programming is available only if
the output is monostable.
This parameter can be programmed with values from 0.1 to 6553.4 seconds.
Polarity: the exit can be programmed as Normally Open or Normally Closed.
Interlocked: when this option is enabled the 2 outputs can not be active contemporary.
If an output will be activated while the other is already active, the commutation will be executed only
after a period of half second will occur when both outputs remain disabled. This functioning mode is
particularly useful to command electrical shutter motors
It is possible to add new imago outdoor wls sirens to the System or modify the configuration of Sirens
which are already part of the System. The programmable parameters for each device are the follow-
Description: name associated to the device.
Serial Number: each wireless device has a serial number that can be used to identify it. Two devices
of the same type will never have the same serial number. Each module has 2 outputs with the same
programmable parameters.
It' s possible to add new 'opera' remote controls or modify the setting to those already existing.
These are the programmable parameters:
Description: name associated to the device.
Serial Number: on each wireless device there is a label with serial number which can be used to iden-
tify it.
Two devices of the same type can not have the same serial number.
Action 1: with such menu option it is possible to associate a scenario to be executed with a prolonged
pressure of the button.
For more info on scenario please refer to the related paragraph.
Action 2: with such menu option it is possible to associate a scenario to be executed with a prolonged
pressure of the button.
For more info on scenario please refer to the related paragraph.
Panic mode: enabling the remote control to act as a Panic Button
Enabled: select this option to enable the Remotes.