2. Outputs
In this section it is possible to configure the following parameters on the Control Panel outputs (O1,
Description: name associated to the output
Type: the output can assume one of the following values:
• Not Used: Output disabled
• Alarm: this output type will be enabled every time an Alarm will be generated.
• Fault: this output will be enabled every time there is a fault in progress.
• Status: this output will be enabled when arming any Partition and will be disabled only when all
Partitions will be disarmed.
• Bistable: output to enable or disable when associated to a Scenario
• Heating: output enabled from Thermostat in winter mode
• Cooling: output enabled from Thermostat in summer mode
• Monostable: output to be enabled by the association with a Scenario. The output remains enabled
for the duration of the time ON.
ON Time: period of activation of a monostable output. This value of programming is available only if
the output is monostable.
The time ON is expressed in tens of second, thus if you want to set up an ON time of 1 s. you have to
insert the value of 10.
This parameter can be programmed with values ranging from 0.1 to 6553.4 seconds.
Polarity: the output can be programmed Normally Open or Normally Closed.
3. General Options
In this section it's possible to configure the general Security Options of the System.
Entry/Exit Delay (sec): period in second for the entry/exit time . By default this value is programmed at
30 s. This parameter can also be programmed with a value from 1 to 65534 seconds.
Cycle Time (min): time ( expressed in minutes) that determines the maximum lasting of the Alarm
Cycle. During the Alarm Cycle the Panel does not generate further Partition Alarm Events and at max-
imum it generates an Alarm Event for each Zone belonging to the Partition. So to avoid the queue of
many calls or signalling. By default this parameter is programmed at 3 minutes.
The max. range spans from 1 to 254 minutes.
Mains fault delay (min) delay, in minutes, to define when the evidence of this missing power event has
got to be sent from the real missing moment. By default this parameter is programmed at 15 minutes.
Such parameter can be programmed from 1 to 254 minutes.
Rings: you can program the number of rings that have to occur before the Panel replies to an incom-
ing call on the PSTN line (if present) and, if enabled, the Voice Menu.
Limit log entry number per event: if this option is enabled, when an event will occur more than 8 times
during a arming/disarming cycle, will not be memorized in the event log.
Disable Arm with Fault: if this option is enabled, the System insertion is banned in case of Faults in
Disable Tone Check: this option is meaning full only with PSTN Module. With this option activated, it
allows to disable the control on the PSTN line that the Device will execute before to activate an out-
coming call.
Disable internal Buzzer: If this option is enabled, the inside Siren will be disabled.
Voice Menu: enabling the activation, in case that the SIM number will be called (or the one linked to
the PSTN line, of the guided voice menu). With such tool, the User can control the Panel after the entry
of a valid User code.
Bypass answering machine: Selecting this option, the Device will respond the calls on the PSTN line,
only if 1 ring in incoming will be detected and then interrupted. It allows to interact with the Panel
should other Devices be present on the same line which replay automatically to the calls (e.g. fax).
Disabling Speaking Keypad: enabling this function, the Panel will not reproduce voice messages
when certain Events will occur (Arming, Exit and Entry Time, Chime).
Disable Ethernet Control: If this option is enabled, the Panel will not reported/displayed the fault of the
Ethernet network cable disconnected.