Assembly step F
Fix both fixed handle bar tubes as
shown in picture.
First put all screws/ bolts in correct place
before tightening them fully.
Assembly step G
Guide the hand pulse wires coming
from the handlebar and data cable
coming form upright tube through the
console bracket hole.
remove the 4 assembly screws from
the consoles rear cover.
Connect the hand pulse wires and
data cable with the console.
Fix the console to the console
Avoid the wires to damage during
Owner's manual • Pure 10.1
Assembly step H
Push the metal shaft through the
bracket housing of the left arm.
Attach now the left arm to the front
frame tube by pushing the metal
shaft through the opening in the tube.
Push the right arm on the shaft and
lock it by tightening a large washer,
and a screw to the both ends of the
shaft. Tighten the arms using two
Allen keys.
A think shim washer is in between both
swivel arms and front frame tube..
Fix the bottle holder to the upright
Assembly step I
Fix upper moving handle bars as
shown in picture.