9. Malfunctions and remedial measure faults
The clearing capacity of the facility
is disappointing
- Solenoid valve defective.
- A backup occurs at the point of di-
scharge. The water conveyed
with the clear water syphon flows
back again.
Most of the above-mentioned faults
can lead to a reduction of the purifi-
cation performance. In addition,
there may be all kinds of reasons for
inadequate drain values such as in-
sufficient entry of air.
- Discharge of larger amounts of de-
tergents or disinfectants or other
forbidden substances (paints, sol-
vents, etc.) into the plant.
- Sludge disposal not performed.
- Faulty settings for the population
- Plant has been separated from the
power grid for a longer period of
- If during the manual operation of
the clear water extraction no di-
stinct opening noise can be heard,
please call the after-sales service.
The point of discharge must be
cleared again.
- In the interest of the environment,
you should contact your after-
sales service to achieve an impro-
vement of the drain values.